Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Tetrarch Daavak "Tronsta" Cantor reporting in for the Angels of Death Phyle, House Aleema of Satal Keto

October 11, 2002 Report #4

Overall things had been quiet around the Angel's of Death's quarters. Members were keeping to themselves mostly but busy at work. A sound of conversation could be heard down the hall...

"...I was so excited to hear about your training, Kaiann!" exclaimed Daavak Cantor. Kaiann sat quietly in his quaters, studying from a dusty book. He looked up modestly and smiled.

"Was nothing, Tronsta. Just wanted to get a little offical notability under my belt." Daavak grinned.

"That you did. I'll inform the team of your acheivements! Keep up the good work. I have a feeling you and Jagged Fel may just be the team to beat in the upcoming compitition."

Kaiann looked up suddenly. Daavak continued...

"That is, of course, should you two SOMEHOW find a way to compete with Maradis and I." Daavak smirked in playful manner. Kaiann smiled fuller this time and chuckled to himself.

"Make sure YOU'RE well practiced as well, Tronsta."

Daavak nodded in agreement. After a brief goodbye, Daavak continued to the conference room where Maradis was waiting for him.

"Sorry I'm late, Maradis. Just wanted to give Kaiann a pat on the back for his excellent work in the Shadow Academy over the last week."

"Not a problem Tronsta. I have something important here you should see..." Maradis had a data slate and handed it over. Daavak looked at it and nodded his head.

"Lots of talent on this compitition I see." he said, referring to the newly entered teams from rivalling clans. "The pressure will be high. You up for it?"

Maradis yawned.

"I'm more then ready, you know that. How about you? Hope you're not planning on simply running over Dark Jedi with your rank."

"Not my rank, Tyro Maradis. My power." Daavak grinned and chuckled, as if he didn't truly believe his own words. But he did. He sat down and looked over a tome that Maradis was studying. It was an ancient manuscript of Force power usage, specifically a tome detailing Force control and supression.

"I don't want to mess this up." Maradis said. "I've been using so many of my new powers since gaining my rank of Dark Jedi Knight. I will be difficult and unpleasant to have to hold back."

"You're on the right track. I will help you where needed of course. You're not in this alone. And besides, it is your mind that is your main weapon, not your Force abilities. Remember that. You're powers won't matter much in this contest."

Maradis nodded and continued to look through the tome. Daavak stood up and began to walk out.

"Let me take a quick run around the place and check in with everyone. I'll be back shortly."

Maradis nodded in acknowledgement.

Greetings fellow Angels!

AoD News:

1) Please remember to CC myself, Shups, and Ziltopia on any submissions you enter in to contests and such.

2) Kaiann is on the SA warpath! This week he has completed:

DB Leadership Studies course

Sith Basic training

Sith Tactics

Woohoo! Good work Kaiann!

3) Tronsta awarded the Crescent w/ Topaz Star for placing 2nd place in the Aleema Vacation Comp.

4) If you all could, please, check in with me this week. Send me a mail letting me know what projects you are working on, what you've been up too lately, the usual. It is you who I am thanking.

5) Xrath...if you still need a partner for the MSC III let me know and we will get you one!

6) Tronsta and Kaiann have moved on to the 2nd part of the Clan Wide hacker comp and wouldn't ya know it..matched up against each other!! Shall the evilliest jedi win! grins Good luck Kaiann!

7) On a sad note, Sayo is on a long LoA. Hope to see him back as soon as he is able. Good luck, Sayo!

8) DB Persona sheets! Try to get them into me ASAP!

Clan and House News:


1) A Krath Monthly run on is still going on! Check it out and post!!



Gord's comp for CSK's specialty and emblem has been named TOP PRIORITY for all Krath. Check out the info and get to work!

3) Try to read up, if you havn't, on the MSC III:

4) Promo for Guardian TK-7764. Gratz!!!

5) Krath Battle Center!!!

If ya havn't already go check it out! Sign up and challenge someone!

Thats it for this week. Please check in with me and let me know what yer up too. Thanks! Oh and get those DB persona sheets in to me if you havn't already!


KE Daavak "Tronsta" Cantor

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