Aedile Report


Aedile Report

OK Guys, just a few competition reminders this week… nothing too Earth shattering, but please, I implore you… read on. :P

Welcome DJK Dax Corrin

Everybody give a warm welcome to the newest HOO pilot, Dark Knight Dax Corrin! He’s yet another suave multiplayer pilot from that there Avenger Squadron and will be a great addition to Apocolypse Squadron… so, welcome. ;)

Sith Squadron League Finals

Alright Pandragon Squadron, it’s crunch time… the tfr’s for our match against Hyperion are due TODAY [Saturday the 12th] to Demos and myself. The battle is TIE-TC133 and can be downloaded from the temporary battle center at []. We’ve only received four pilot files thus far, so come on you so called Aces [Halc…Minkus…:P] and get those tfr’s in ASAP. ;)

Sith Top Gun Finals

Still got our two boys in the finals… so everyone cheer Brian and Philo on!!!

Consul’s Crappy Contest

Reminder that the due date for this competition is October 20th…so get those pilot files into Tarkin, Demos, and myself soon, and remember…it’s a CRAP contest, so low score wins—just like golf, another crap contest…:P And you can fly any or all of the game platforms for multiple awards/praise/cookies.

The battles are as follows:

TIE-TC170 - []

XvT-TC45 - []

XWA-TC30 - []

Awards and Promotions

  • Brian has been awarded a Cluster of Fire!

  • Dirk Logan has been promoted to Acolyte!

  • Narcissus has been promoted to Guardian!

  • Philo has been awarded a Cluster of Fire!

  • Reaper has passed the Sith Basic Studies course!

  • Reaper has passed the Sith Tactics course!

That’s it for this week,

Narcissus, Aedile

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