House Galthain of Clan Satal Keto
Quaestor: Battlemaster Pyralis
Aedile: Dark Jedi Knight Bobxavi
October 12, 2002 In the beginning
Dark Brethren
We gather on this day to witness the rebirth of House Galthain of Clan Satal Keto. In the shadows too long, a great slumber came upon House Galthain. After many months, its respite is over terminated indefinitely per the order of Battlemaster Pyralis. Pyralis - a new jedi, strong in the ways of the force - has ascended the throne of Galthain. His past is largely unknown, obscured by the years of sabattical in the Unknown Regions.
But his return is now, and a transition in Galthain is now. A new age for the power of the Sith is upon us. Seize the moment. The future of Galthain is here.
SW Arso Slyth has transferred to Domis Disciples of Death as a FM. (October 11, 2002)
SBM Pyralis has been elevated to the position of Quaestor (October 11, 2002)
Rollmaster has been vacated please do not apply for this position.
N/A (This will change next week )
DJK Talon Jade melees, DB-FREE #1 & #3, suggestions for house
JH Vessicant Hackers Helper, specialty competition
DJK Bobxavi Hackers Helper
ACO Ashmaster Hackers Helper
JH Indaro Gallia Hackers Helper
ACO Mark Schueler Hackers Helper
DJK Bobxavi Hackers Helper
GRD Lazarus Hackers Helper
GRD Josh Popelka Hackers Helper
SBM Pyralis Hackers Helper, Graphic comp
(theres stuff undoubtedly missing, e-mail me so I know who did what in the past week)
In the future, CC me on anything and everything you do!
House Events:
Point System:
I have released House Galthains new official point system. The aim of this system is to give an idea of how close you are to a merit award. Check the details out at: These were emailed out over the Galthain Yahoo Group recently as well. However, this web version is easier to read it seems :P I would like to add that this system is up for negotiation and as one of you already suggested, it would be helpful if some submissions like graphics or fiction are worth more than others. I think this is a good idea. Instead of just 3 points for fiction, say, you could get between 1 and 10 points depending on the length/quality. A novel gets 10 points, a one paragraph work gets 1 point. However, this system will not be officially written out on a website or email. I and Aedile Bobxavi will judge for ourselves and give more or less points dependent on the overall quality of the submissions.
Single Player/Multiplayer Ladder:
Yet another development has been released for the enjoyment of House Galthain. A competition of sorts, you get points for playing battles or playing melees. The competition lasts for a month and the up to date results would be posted on the CSK site. We have yet to organize times and dates for the MP events. We also still need to create a ladder. However, this will be done within the week as I get access to the CSK site and we get input from members on what times they can play. Detailed information about the system can be viewed at:
Single Player Competition:
DJK Bobxavi is currently organizing the details of a competition for House Galthain. When he has decided on what battles are being played (multiple platforms), he will make an announcement on when the start date is and when the pilot files are due by. Awards will be Crescents: Amethyst, Sapphire, and Emerald for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd respectively.
House Policies:
If you submit any sort of piece of activity whether it be a submission for a competition, pilot file, fiction, graphic of scores proving you meleed against someone at a DB sanctioned event, graphics, etc etc etc you MUST let your CMDR know about it. Please feel free to CC Aedile Bobxavi and myself. If we know you did something, then we can award your properly when the time comes to award you.
I have the characteristic of demanding nothing less than the best. I award those who are deserving and promote those who excel into higher profile positions. If youre lazy or dont think you are required to do anything, expect to stay where you are. You might be ok with that, but I frown upon inactivity. Dont expect medals and promotions if youre not contributing! :)
QUA and AED are vitally important positions. They should not be combined into one position. Aedile Bobxavi has an almost equally important position compared to the Quaestors. You MUST cc him on all emails youd normally send to me. Both the QUA and AED are expected to submit weekly reports.
Battle Team CMDRs. I wouldnt be lying if I said the two CMDR positions we have in the house are almost as important as QUA and AED. They are the direct link between the house summit and the members. They must encourage activity, competition, and communication at all times. Because of their importance, I demand weekly reports.
[Log in to view e-mail addresses] This group is to be used for official communication AND random spamming for House Galthain. There are no limitations. Please feel free to talk as much as you want.
[Log in to view e-mail addresses] this group is only for official CSK communication, if you have something important to say relating to the clan, please post here.
[Log in to view e-mail addresses] this group is for general clan spam, no limitations here, except for things that are important. for those, use [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Check out: Galthains Message Board has been picking up recently. Its a great place to chat with others in the house or clan. Plus, if I see you posting there, Ill like you more :P
Clan Competitions:
DJM Shups has a pretty cool competition going on. Make up something funny in response to an error message. If you are ACO Mark Schueler, JH Indaro Gallia, JH Vessicant, ACO AshMaster, or GRD Josh Popelka, then youre in the 3rd round and represent 63% of the participating Round 3 members. Please submit something more hilarious than everyone else so most of you end up in Round 4 :) Submit to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] ASAP.
Create an icon for representation in future jedi wars or other DB-wide competitions. This icon would be displayed on maps show what territories you have. E-Mail our Proconsul at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with your submission(s).
The other competition our Proconsul is running is giving the clan some sort of Specialty: For example, instead of being known for its sith or krath, we would be known for expert craftsmanship in creating highly valuable pens and pencils made out of rare elements from Setii IV. Other examples: saber fighting skills, cooking abilities, etc. Its not going to be something official and will only have RPG value in the future. Again, submit to SBL Gord Darkonian at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Both of Gords competitions require that the clan have a minimum of 20 members participate to get any reward out of this. So, unless enough of you submit, you arent going to get one thing except a very mad Sith Battlelord breathing down your back :P
Thats about all that needs to be said for now.
May darkness guide you, House Galthain
SBM Pyralis (Sith)/QUA/Galthain of Satal Keto
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