Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Quaestor Shups reporting in for House Aleema of Satal Keto

October 12, 2002 Report #5


The House was assembled in a classroom reserved for lecturing children of the ages between nine and twelve. Twenty-four desks were arranged in four rows. Bordering the tops of the room's walls were alphabet letters in several different languages. An antique blackboard, several actually hung prominently at the front of the room, just beyond an enormous oak desk cluttered with papers, pens, books, and other scholarly paraphernalia.

The students were not nine years old though. Some were skilled instructors themselves. Currently, Tronsta, Page, Dalthid, and TK-7764 occupied the front row seats. All were sitting up and occasionally chatting to one another; they were patiently waiting the instructor. Seated in the second and third rows haphazardly were Orso, notably arguing about something with Maradis and Kaiann, which Tatsu seemed to find mildly amusing as he smirked at them in turn. The back seats were a classic sight with Garou in the far left one, then Jagged Fel, then Xrath. Each was sleeping soundly, a bit of drool coming down from the corner of Garou's parched lips. In the far right seat, a quiet Minerva sat looking out the window; her mind far away.

Despite looking ridiculous in their small seats, at the back of the room Deus and Ziltopia were supine, clearly passed out. Several bottles lie strewn about the floor.

The Instructor took all this in when he walked in the door and strode over to his desk.

The noise stopped.

"Are the two on the floor breathing?" he asked. He mentally noted the absence of Sayo.

"I checked them when I came in Master," Dalthid offered, "They are breathing fine and their pulses are strong."

"How comforting. You all will be thrilled to know that this lesson will be short," the Instructor said grabbing a pointer from the chalkboard ledge. Murmurs of approval sounded out. He pointed his stick at the board that held four scrambled words in Basic.

It read:


"Can anyone translate this please?" he asked dryly.

Several hands went up.

"Go ahead Maradis."

"It looks Mon Cal to me Master. I'll take a shot that it says, She will take the spam," he said.

"Idiot!" started Orso, "That's not Mon Cal!"

The room erupted into a shouting match for several minutes. The Instructor took the time to take a sip of his drink. Then he called for quiet. Surprisingly he got it.

"Anyone else?" he asked. Getting no answer he set his pointer stick down and continued, "As I said, it would be a quick lesson. It is an important one though."

He left them to ponder and to return to his work. As the door closed the argument started up again.

DB News

Always check out the DB news link for up to the minute stuff:


Clan & House News



DO the GORDO Comps! See Comps 6/7 below.

The Krath Monthly comps seem to be going well whilst our Clan comps aren't; well except for the Hacker's Helper comp which is in Round 3!

New website IS up and will be continually updated with Archive stuff. Much thanks to Smitroc for doing the coding for me. Anyone with admin access to the former one please don't take it down as I have to pull lots of files from there. http://www28.brinkster.com/shups/

The website is primarily an archive. Keep that in mind when issuing comments, as I am sure I'll be flooded with them. And yes the blue color is staying. J

If you find yourself saying, "What is going on?" then you need to look at: http://www.isdchallenge.org/csk/forum/

If you are still lost, mail the dear Shups. [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

TET Reports

Angels of Death: Yes, listed on DB website

Spirits of the Night: Yes, listed on DB website.

Current Competitions

Comp #3

Master/Student Competition III (MSC 3):


Signups are due in by October 20. If you don't know what this is by now, please speak with your TET.

Ok, I think I am out of the loop on this and so is the website. Who are we missing here and Orso is Dalthid your new student?

Satal Keto Teams (Team Name/Master/Student):

AE/Deus Excelsior/Minerva Sanchez Villa-Lobos

Palpatine's Hope/Shups/Page Meridian

Epoch/Daavak Tronsta Cantor/Maradis Jenkar


Birds of Prey/Darhawk/Vessicant

Special Notes: There are several students I am aware of that need Masters. One is from Kirleta!

Dalthid from SotN???

JH Reza (Obelisk)/SGT/Kirleta of Satal Keto

Comp #5

Title: Hacker's Helper is in round 3! All details can be found on the Clan message board.

Comp #6/#7


Clan Specialty/Clan Emblem Comp

Okay this is what I want to talk about right here. 2 comps that go hand in hand.

All details can be found on the Clan message board at this link:


Trouble reading it? Let me know ASAP. The dear PCON Gordo has challenged us to take part in this overly simple comp. He wants 20 submissions for each part. Now folks, its easy work, you don’t need to make a graphic, just submit an idea. Gordo doesn't think we can get that many submissions. The Clan may fail, but I want Aleema to excel. Take 5 minutes, even right now, get it over with, and send your submissions to PCON Gordo. He wants them by the 13th, October and I also don't think he is expecting mind-blowing submissions. (/<read he is expecting activity>) You will hear about this nearly everyday over the next week until everyone sends in and CC me.

Quaestor's Lounge

You still haven't done Gordo's comps? Whatcha doing reading this then?

Message boards…read em. The Clan site: TETs post the news!


Please CC your TET, AED, and QUA on activity.

That's it… the "old man" is spent…again…

~Quaestor Shups~


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