Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Hey guys let me start this off by saying I'm back, I had alot of RL things to take care of and I had time cuz my internet was off, well I have cable modem now and I'm running at 100.0Mbps so thats pritty bad ass to me

Reports OK good everyone has been reporting to me , I'm gonna get a new Email address soon I'll give it out when thats up.

I receltly purchased Half Life Platinum Pack so I love Counter Strike but I'm gonna make a balance between games so i will still play Jk2 just not as much.

From what I can tell everyone is doing good and you know who you are, but I think soon were gonna have to cut some "fat" on the team.

I'm making this short I know cuz I gotta get caught up on all my Emails' I got flooded bad.

Everyone get in as many tourney's that you can and we have a new feud coming up very soon and I want us to take a victory badly.

Everyone keep up the good work and lets make CNS #1

Blitz out (expect a more offical report very soon)

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