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SW Gidda reporting in for Battle Team Nightmare Squadron
of Caliburnus, 10/17/02</small>
<big><small>Battleteam News:</small></big>
<small>XWA = 1st) SW Gidda 2nd) JH Aeisheline 3rd) (by only 10 points!!) SW Artyis
XvT = 1st) **SW Artyis** 2nd) **SW Gidda**
TIE = 1st) **SW Gidda** 2nd) **SW Artyis** 3rd) JH Jaron Kai
Unfortunately the participation rate was very disappointing, we managed
to reach a poor 25% participation. I know some of you are currently very busy, still I hope to see more pilots files for the next comp! Please, notice that if you had flown the XvT mission (even on easy, even with cheats on!!) now you would have a nice new medal :-)</small>
<small>First round of HC Trivia is over. Artyis and Gidda got a nice 2nd place, congratulations to Nighstalker CMDR, SBM Tiger, who got 1st.</small>
<small>I received no replies about the BT vs BT competition so I guess you aren't interested or you're too busy doing other things. Ok, I'll wait the end of this HC Flight Comp round then I'll check again if Nightmare is finally ready to hurt some enemy Battleteam.</small>
There's a HC run-on, here's the direct link: <small>http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=1690</small> . Go there and post, this run on will be used as plotline for a HC battle.
<small>We have a new HC Training Course! it's about the</small> 7 styles of lightsaber combat. Check it out on the House Training web site http://www14.brinkster.com/jpsdarkmage/db/HC
<big>** Current Orders:**</big></small>
<small>House Flight Competition: </small><small></small>
<small>TIE-FREE 106<o:p>/o:p
[ XWA-FREE 68](http://battles.cernun.net/XWAF68.zip)<o:p></o:p>
[ XvT-FREE 46](http://battles.cernun.net/XvTF46.zip)
<small>Pick a battle or fly them all, but send me some pilot files! Once again AED Reese asked us to get a 75% participation so jump in your fighters and fly! Your pilot files are due to Kane Reese ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), CC Rollmaster ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and me. This round will end Monday, the 28th October.</small>
HC Trivia Competition #2 - A new round of Caliburnus Trivia has started. You'll find the questions on HC site (http://www.strony.wp.pl/wp/caliburnus) in Competitions section. Send your answers to AED Kane Reese ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), deadline is 11/03/02. Awards are Crescents, Sapphire to Topaz, for the best 3 submissions.
<big>** Activity Reports:**</big></small>
<small>** - SW Gidda**
Flew XvTF-22, TIEF-119</small>
<small>**- PRT Klaus Steiner
**None, please report in!
<small> - SW Artyis
Flew XWAF-69, TIEF-119, XvTF-22
Passed SA Phase 1 course
<small>- DJK Dolza
<small>** - GRD Slawter Thren**
Stays in contact, IRC activity
<small>** - ACO Altar**
No contact, please report in!
<small>** - JH Zzyhtnu**
Reported in, can't fly due to busy RL</small>
<small>** - JH A. G. Snijglau**
Stays in contact, IRC activity</small>
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="2" width="75%">
<td valign="top" align="center">
<td valign="top"> **<font color="#ff3333" size="2">SW Gidda
(Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae</font>**
-- Consular Pilot (October 2002) --<small><small>
</small></small></small>** </small></td>
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