Master At Arms Report


Master At Arms Report

  1. The roster currently stands at 1716 members. That is up from last week's count of 1702.

  2. The following position appointments were made this past week:

KE Khobai Wrathraven (Krath)/PCON/Clan Arcona

SBL Reaper (Sith)/RM-FM/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona

JH Zekk (Obelisk)/RM-TRP/Cestus of Tarentum

  1. The following worthy rank evaluations were made this past week:

DJK Aeishline Strathaven (Sith)/FL/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae

  1. The MAA Office comp is being extended til next Friday. So far only 2 people submitted an entry. Think up a good layout that is DB related. 1st place gets Layout used on MAA Office site as well as a Diamond Crescent, 2nd place will receive a Ruby Crescent, and 3rd will get Amethyst Crescent. You can send me the screenshot of your demo layout or just zip the files together and send them to me. Just use the links on the side and put a news posting on the starter page. Can be an exsisting post or something you make up. I will annouce the winner in my MAA Annoucement next Fri.

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