Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hex Phyle Weekly Report #6

October 18, 2002


Tetrarch's Two Cents


My report is coming a day early this week...I'm going home for the weekend, and is easier to do it now then fight over my parents here it is!!!

Been a month and a half of me...sick of me yet???

I would really like some greater participation in the Feud. For this second phase, it's been me and Vance! Big time thanks to Vance! Anyone else alive? HELLOOOOOOO!!!








Phase Two of the Feud is currently going about it at Same thing as the last Phase, one submission per Phyle; any contributions, questions, comments, concerns, arguments, mail 'em to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

Submissions to the Dark Voice...just don't forget to CC me!




DJK Coranel Both (TET)--idled on #taldryan quite a bit, did an entry for the Caption Comp, working on Feud.

GRD Vance Farahl (Tyro)--was in contact regarding feud stuff.

PRT Face Loran (Tyro)--was on #taldryan some.

KAP Blitzkrieg (Tyro)--nothing this week...

DJK Ahriman'sabaoth (Tyro)--Nothing this week...

NOV Seiko (Tyro)--LoA...come back...:P




None...come-on, get the activity up so you can get nice shiny things for your ID line...:P


Dark Jedi Knight Coranel Both

DJK Coranel Both (Krath)/TET/Ektrosis of Taldryan



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