Dark Greetings Jedis,
This is it! This is my first report as QUA of Cestus. I know Ziguarath did his reports on an other day, but with the agreement of the CLan Summit I would like to issue my reports on Saturday. So without further delay let´s get started with it:
It seems to me activity is quite low currently, probably due to the beginning of school and the starting of the new semesters at the universities. I understand that, so I´m not angry at you and won´t start shouting yet :P .Another reason for the lack of activity maybe the great shuffling of positions in the house and everyone has to adjust to his new job and gave less impulses to the house than usual. Therefore I think there will be some increase in activity in the next time.
Another issue concerning activity is the problem with the timezones. That influences especially participation in JKII trainings matches and competition matches and that is one of the most important parts of Obelisk activity. Therefore I started to think about a possibility to make JKII single player comps. With Zetar´s help I will be perhaps able to develop a method to add this new kind of comp to the katalog of other already existing comps. The advantage of such a comp is that the participants don´t depend on another player and so they can make their submission when they have time for it.
I will sent out another mail soon concerning this matter, so be prepared.
Currently there are no competions going on in Cestus something I haven´t experienced in months. I guess it´s due to the huge restructuring of house Cestus and the stepping down of DGM Astatine but I will change that asap. Zetar, the SGTs and me are already cooking up some new comps so expect to get flooded soon
House Cestus currently has 20 members:
OW Gelton Torr - QUA
DJK Darkov
DJK Talon Zetar - AED
DJK Glorfindel - Battleteam SGT Battalion of Fear
JH Blackhero
JH Miack Harlander
JH Sukuth - Battleteam SGT Blades of Malice / Trial Master
JH Zekk - Rolemaster
GRD Hev Randrowan
GRD Obscurus - Battleteam SGT Armoured Fist
PRT Eoth Kun
PRT Ereinion Qel Droma
PRT MaikoSpince
PRT Zeth Ni
ACO Aleckz
ACO Daryan
ACO Sen Hart
ACO Son Goku
ACO X-Pilot
NOV Sauron
This is three members less than we had in Ziguaraths last report. The people eho left us are: OBM Ziguarath because of his appointment as CoG, NOV Bane and NOV Obscurus Manica because they said they didn´t like it in Cestus anymore. I´m sad to hear that. I hope we can prevent losses because of such reasons in the future. But when the rumors are true we will be soon have at least 1 new member. Let´s wait and see.
Elevations and Appointments:
Since the last report of Ziguarath a lot of has happend concerning this matter. It will get a little bit lengthy I suppose but I want to announce all changes and every success here because every one is worth to be mentioned. Let´s start with the appointments: I hate to mention me first but I want to start from the top. After Ziguarath was appointed CoG the Clan Summit appointed me as QUA and elevated to the rank of Obelisk Warrior. They also appointed Talon Zetar as my AED and elevated him to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. One of my first decisions as QUA was to appoint GRD Obscurus aka Maximus as the new SGT of Battleteam Armoured Fist. A little bit earlier JH Sukuth was appointed as the first SGT of the new Battleteam Blades of Malice. Therefore we needed a new Rolemaster and the choice of the house summit fell on JH Zekk, who is now our new RM.
But not only a lot of appointments had been made but also a lot of elevations. First of all I want to congratulate Glorfindel for becoming a Dark Jedi Knight. Another big congratulation goes out to Ereinion Qel Droma for advancing from the rank of Novice not only to the rank of Acolyte but even to the rank of Protector. Well done! But the elevation of Sen Hart from Novice to Acolyte is recognizable as well. I think I have mentioned all elevations and appointments, if I have forgotten anyone please have mercy with your old Quaestor.
There have been no special merit awards handed out since Ziguaraths last report at least that I know of. But there have been some competition awards been earned. Let´s see if this changed until next week.
That concludes my first report. everyone who managed to read everything until this point can rest assured I don´t think my future reports will be that lengthy like this one.
In Deep Respect
Gelton Torr
Quaestor of Cestus
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OW Gelton Torr (0belisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum
"Shadow is my Armor, Darkness is my Shield, Fear is my Sword"
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