Consul Report


Consul Report

Clan Arcona Weekly Report

Light is Limited - Darkness is Infinite

  • The new PCON of Arcona has been appointed...Well, he's not quite new but I'm sure he hasnt lost his touch, please welcome Epis Khobai, PCON of Clan Arcona!

  • The Crap Competition has ended...and the submisions were crap, since I got none from Qel-Droma and Galeres. So boohoo, no medals for you. OO on the other hand, have made an effort and succeeded. With no further delay, the results.


1st place: Narcissius

2nd place: Philo

3rd place: Astix


1st place: Halcyon

2nd place: Philo


1st place: Halcyon

2nd place: Demos

Crescents will be awarded ASAP. Congrats to all who won.

  • We have a proper Clan MB on EHNET now! Check out it out and post someting at .

  • The Krath Combat Centre is open for a while now. many Jedi have entered and are battling eachother. Its very good fun and open to all, so Sith and Obelisk can play too. I have won my first fight already, I'm hoping more of you show up. :)

  • The Krath Murder Mystery League has started. Check out for details. I want a good showing of QD here. I am confidend you can capture that murderer.

  • Together with KE Khobai I am setting up a new Clan wide competition, a kind of sequal to FotvB. Start date should be around mid-november. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for more info.

Order of the Week: have a good time.

Respectfully submitted,

WC-PROF/LC E. Tarkin/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard/ASF

GSx2/SS/BSx4/PCx9/ISMx21/MoT-2rh-2gh/IS-2BW-1GW/LoC-PSx414/DFC-GWx21/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [GLDR] [JEDI-4th] [XA-TA] {IWATS-CBX-IIC/1-M/1/2-SM/2/3-XAM-XTM/1-XTT}

Wing Commander of Wing XV

Ex-CMDR of Avenger Squadron

XvT Tactics Professor

SBL E. Tarkin (Sith)/CON/Clan Arcona, GC/(SC)/(SE)/DC-KC-O/(SN)/(BNG)(BNB)/Cr-2R/CF/CoL {SA: CORE-G:LS-S:CORE-S:ISET-S:ESET}

Consul of Arcona

House Oriens Obscurum Report

Alright guys, it's time for your Narcalicious Aedile report, nothing too new

from my department, just a few quick reminders and stuff.;)

Consul's Crappy Contest

The big boss man himself, Mr. Tark, is getting steamed cuz hardly any of you

have submitted stuff for this contest yet.:P Seriously though, I've gotten

THREE TIE submissions, ONE XWA submission, and a whopping ZERO XvT

submissions. the due date is Oct 20th [aka, this Sunday] so if you want an

easy award, fly! :P And remember, low score wins, and you can fly in any or

all of the platforms.

The battles are as follows:

TIE-TC170 - []

XvT-TC45 - []

XWA-TC30 - []

Sith Top Gun Finals matches flown this week for this. Come on Brian, just give Nightflyer

the smackdown real quick so we can win this contest.:P

Sith Squadron League Finals

Just waiting on Hades to tally the final results on this contest, but I must

say I was kinda disappointed that only six of you Pandragony type guys flew

the battle. I mean, it was the FINAL round guys. come on :P Oh well, nothing

we can do about it now, so let's just hope that was good enough to beat

Hyperion. ;)

Awards and Promotions

  • Brian has passed the Sith Basic Studies course!

  • Halcyon has passed the Sith Basic Studies course!

  • Narcissus has been promoted to Jedi Hunter!

  • X has passed the Imperial Starfighter Engineering and Technology [ISET]


  • X has passed the Enemy Starfighter Engineering and Technology [ESET]


And that's it for this week,


House Qel-Droma Report

General News

   1. Both run-ons have stalled. Let's see if we can get them going again this weekend; I hate to leave a run-on unfinished.  

   2. Don't forget to participate in the Arcona "crap-competitions." I will be sending in my entry sometime this weekend, and I hope to see more. Please send me a copy of anything that you submit, so that I can see that you are active.  

   3. Aedile Paladorion is on leave until the 20th. Also, I will be on leave from October 27/28 through November 4. I will be attending a special conference. Obviously, Pala will be in charge while I'm gone.  

   4. Please respond more to my Events Poll on the House Message Board.  

   5. The old Yahoo mailing list is back to use, so don't get it mixed up with the old ones :P  

Awards and Promotions

   1. Korbane Ashoka was promoted to KAP! A big congratulations to him.  

   2. KP ^Cyberguy^ was awarded a Steel Cross  

   3. JH JaM3z was awarded a Steel Cross  

   4. KAP Kahn was awarded a Steel Cross  

Arrivals and Departures

   1. KE Khobai has returned to Qel-Droma.  

   2. For Arcona in general, a new PCON is on the way, though Mage is awaiting approval. Until then, we'll just have to wait...  

Other than that, nothing new this week. As always, please feel free to contact me with any concern you may have, or just to chat.

KAP Kahn(Krath)/QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona, [KSOE: ENV], (SC-SoA)/(SE-WG)/DC-KC-O-CS/(SN)/(BNB)/Cr-4A {SA: CORE}

House Galeres Report


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