Black Omega Team Weekly Report
25th of October
Dark Greetings.
I'm happy to say that our competition is going great! However not all sent their files to me. Do it ASAP! I have to report all scores tomorrow.
Few promotion has been approved in this week. Marcin Szydlowski is now PRT, Tainer has a rank of GRD; congratulation guys and keep up those brilliant activity!I also get a promotion, and am GRD.
I found out something unexpected... well you don't read my reports carefully! :P Also "sombody" whose name I won't mention (/me points at Frey :-p) told me that he can't read........ You know my dear team that I would do almost everything to make your life better, however don't demand from we to draw a report.. I'm not an artist! :P
Our team buddy Chamberlain changed an order and now is Krath. Good luck on the path you choosen, hope you will be satisfy and can prove yourself it that new situation. Good luck and take care! :-)
Remeber that if you will loose in some weird way my report, you can always read it by clicking here: Yeah, I always upload reports to database, so no excuse that you haven't idea about something :P
1. Competition!!! is still on! Till tomorrow, so go to your fighters and get some points for team! :-)
2. Graphic contest. My dear pilots... that is easy way to get a medal! Get your pencils and do it! :P
3. Wil, Daniel and Frey work at new Master/Apprentice programm for our Clan, more details will come up soon.
But it's sure, that if you are above DJK rank you can sig up as a Master, and if you are below, you can sign up as a apperantice.
4. Another unusual thing I found out! .... All jedis belowe DJK have lighsabers!!! Just a yunk called training saber, but still...
Orders and plans for future.
I plan to organize a competion for whole house (something connected with writing maybe) after we will finish with Sub Zero:P That idea araised after a short talk with Dash Rendar on #Alvaak channel, however it's still only a plan.
Something to think about in this week.
Why do we use lightsabers??? We are Dark Jedis, so shouldn't we use Darksabers? :P
Activity and points:
the points are counted, and contain the acitvity from previous weeks. Also remember that, if you get a promotion the point reset, and you start ghater points for next promo. (Just a remind: for completed mission from DB battle you get 2points, battles different than DB don't count for promotions. Also all rules, for what and forhow many points and so on you will find here: )
Tiss (me) :
Get a promotion to the rank of Guardian!
Completed 3 Free missions! yay!! :P
flying: 6 (next rank: JH = 200pts)
Report to me dude!
Points: 0( next rank GRD = 100pts )
Reported in. Wrote a fiction, completed XWA TC 24,
Flying: 10, fiction 10
Total: 20 (next rank PRT = 40 pts )
Kyle Katarn:
Completed a XWA free mission.
Reported in, IRC and e-mails activity.
As we all know, ranks above DJK, aren't included to points system .
Chris Cox:
Reported in, completed free mission for competition
IRC and e-mails activity.
Points: flying: 7 (next rank PRT = 40pts)
Marcin Szydlowski:
Get a promotion to the rank of Protector.
Reported in, completed 3 free missions, posted once.
Flying 6, SA/IWATS :20, posts:2
Total: 8 points ( next rank GRD = 100pts)
Get a promotion to the rank of Guardian.
Reported in, posted on MB twice.
Posts: 4
Total: r (next rank JH = 200pts)
Reported in.
As we know ranks abowe DJK aren't included to points system.
Frey Galandro
Reported in, IRC activity.
As we know ranks abowe DJK aren't included to points system.
Jedi Hunter
Reported in, posted 5 times, flown 1 free mission and works on a fiction
IRC and e-mails activity.
Flying: 112, creation mission: 10, IWATS/SA 10 posts: 18
Total: 150 (next rank DJK = 300pts )
And that's all folks.
GRD Tissaya Argat (Sith)/FM/Ronin of Alvaak
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