Chancellor Report


Chancellor Report

My apologies for the lack of a report last week. It was Homecoming at my University which means that the entire campus was more or less submurged in alcohol. I drew not a sober breath from Friday evening to Sunday morning :P But enough about my wild, college exploits...

My Magistrate, Knight Camile, has started taking post tallies of the main Dark Brotherhood message board. Medals of Communication will be awarded based on the guidelines set forth by the Communications Office:

10 - Bronze

25 - Silver

50 - Gold

100 - Platinum

250 - Diamond

Post tallies are done weekly and thus, medals are given weekly. Posts only on the main DB MB count at this time, and the posts must have content to them. Also, remember that if you recruit a member into the Brotherhood, please inform me and I will award you a Medal of Instruction.

That's all for this week. Please direct any questions you have for me to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

  • Pharaun "Shadonyx" Illistyn

Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood

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