[:: NEWS ::]
-Got the judgment back on the Caption Comp against Hex Phyle. After points were tallied and divided by the # of tyros in each phyle, we came out on top with 10.5 to their 7.5!!
For each image, their TET won the stormtrooper w/ guitar one, I won the pants-less Wookiee one, and Titus won the wampa one.
-Dark Allegiance: Phase II has ended, and as usual DF pushed the time limit to the extreme, but our hard work will pay off :D
-The Murder Mystery League 2 is running. You all got the email. Consider MMLII as Drynwyn's Flame's focus until DA: Phase III starts. I want to see feedback on MMLII from you guys.
-KP Khaen awarded Dark Side Scroll (DSS) x4
-Dark Allegiance is in a lull temporarily, while Phase II is marked and until Phase III kicks off. Read over Timbal's battle plan if you get the time, as we will be using this for Phase III's runon.
-The MMLII stuff was sent out by Loor last week. Please give it a read, and come up with some ideas.
Krath Priest; Drynwyn's Flame Tetrarch Khaen
KP Khaen (Krath)/TET/House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae
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