Dark Greeting Jedis,
this is my second report and like in my first one I want to start with the matter of activity:
Although my staff meaning the SGTs and my AED are really active in playing JKII and planning competitions, the majority with few execptions of the members are still quite inactive. I sent out a mail in order to gather some information about them last Sunday, from 15 addressed members I only got 3 replies and that is really not a good result. Activity reports are another problems. from the whole house Zekk got until Thursday only 2 reports and one was my own. I don´t know how things look now after I sent out an reminder yesterday. I know I repeat myself but I say it once more, no activity report no credit for work.
The good news concering activity is that my staff and me together with some others started this week to played frequently and exstensively JKII MP matches on a non competition basis, I hope we will continue with this in the future.
A summary of all current and planned competitions can be found in AED Zetars report.
Cestus has currently 22 members. That is an increase of 2 members since last week. Exellent ! NOV Tygarin Cypher and NOV SmokeyTheBear have joined our ranks in the recent days. A big welcome to Cestus ! Now the roster looks like the following:
OW Gelton Torr - QUA
DJK Darkov
DJK Talon Zetar - AED
DJK Glorfindel - Battleteam SGT Battalion of Fear
JH Blackhero
JH Miack Harlander
JH Sukuth - Battleteam SGT Blades of Malice / Trial Master
JH Zekk - Rolemaster
GRD Hev Randrowan
GRD Obscurus - Battleteam SGT Armoured Fist
PRT Daryan
PRT Eoth Kun
PRT Ereinion Qel Droma
PRT MaikoSpince
PRT Zeth Ni
ACO Aleckz
ACO Sen Hart
ACO Son Goku
ACO X-Pilot
NOV Sauron
NOV SmokeyTheBear
NOV Tygarin Cypher
When rumors are correct next week I will be able to welcome at least one new member.
There was only one Promotion last week but this one was really well deserved: ACO Daryan was elevated to the rank of Protector. Congratulations!
This week I was able to award a Star of Eos to JH Sukuth for finishing the preparations of the Trials. The Trials are now fully functional and usable.
A Dark Cross was awarded to PRT Eoth Kun for his help in the Trial preparations.
Congratulations to you both!
ACO X-Pilot earned himself two CFs and a Crescent with Ruby Star in the latest OHC tourney for making second place there. Well done!
First: The Trials are now full operational in House Cestus and will be used for rank elevations from GRD up to OBM. I suggest you go and infrom yourself on the Trials website: http://trials.webz.cz or contact Trial Master Sukuth at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Second: Despite some tests that worked well I still mistrust my mail account somehow. Therefore I ask you to CC my AED Talon Zetar at
[Log in to view e-mail addresses] in all mail you sent to me until further notice from me so no important mails will get lost.
That concludes my report.
In Deep Respect
Gelton Torr
(§§§§§§ {[]}§)(((::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-
OW Gelton Torr (0belisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum
"Shadow is my Armor, Darkness is my SHield, Fear is my Sword"
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