House Ronin Aedile Report 10/26/2002
At mid-week the CON, SWL Tron Sadow, announced that he would be retiring after the upcoming Clan Feud. He also announced that he is appointing a new PCON to train and replace him when he does retire. Currently the CON is accepting applications for the position, and you must meet the following requirements before applying:
·1 year in DB, at the least
·At least 6 months of command experience
·A regular online presence (this includes IRC)
·List plans for Clan Alvaak and your position
Send applications to the CON at ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by 10/30/02!
Well, as you all have probably already read, the QUA has announced that he is going to resign at the end of this next week! What will happen next will be determined by the CON, and when I have that information Ill release it to the House.
This week we saw the birth of the House Ronin Master/Apprentice Program, and along with that a considerable amount of excitement and anticipation for it to begin. I now have a list of Masters who are ready to take on their first Apprentices and begin their training! I look forward to seeing a great increase in activity and participation in the House now! :)
Black Omegas competition against Sub-Zero of House Tridens ends today! From what Im hearing it looks like B.O. put the smack down on SZ with a lot of force! I want to commend GRD Tissaya Argat and her pilots on their great activity during this competition! As always you all are a great inspiration to the entire House!! :)
PRT Marcin Mike Sydlowski has offered to put together an ASP website for House Ronin, but needs someone to create a set of design graphics for the site. If your interested please notify Mike and the AED ASAP so that this project may begin!
This week two House members decided to convert from being Sith to Krath. I have no problems with this, but I do have a problem with the fact that their respective CMDRs and the House Summit were not notified in advance of their requests to the CHAN to change Orders. From now on any member of House Ronin wishing to make a transfer, order change, etc. MUST submit notification through their Chain-of-Command! No one will deny your requests, but if there is a problem that is persuading you to make these changes we need to know about them. We cant fix anything if we dont know its broken! :P
CMDRs, remember that even members with the rank of DJK or above still accumulate points for their activity. While the current Promotion/Award System does not list promotion requirements for them, they can still have their activity tracked for future promotions, as well as earn points for medals! So I expect to see points tracked for everyone in your Battleteam, regardless of their rank!
Also, I have some further information regarding weekly reports. First, reports have to be released to your Battleteams by Friday of each week without fail! Second, the reports have to be sent out in a hard copy format to your pilots and the House Summit. No longer will simply supplying a link to the Dark Brotherhood database suffice. The reports are released first for all to see, then you upload it to the database for future reference and/or retrieval. Also, as of this report I still havent seen a report from Sentinel. This is the last week that I am cutting anyone slack on those reports. Get them out or Ill be happy to find someone that will be happy to fulfill the duties for the position. I dont like being a hardass, but we all have responsibilities with our positions, and I expect everyone to meet those responsibilities.
Weekly News
ØBlack Omega Comp against Sub-Zero ends! Final results will be released very soon!!
ØPCON position is open to applications!
ØHouse Ronin Master/Apprentice Program is now open!
ØClan Feud to begin very soon!
ØCHAN/DA Shadonyx has a new email address ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])!
ØQUA will be sending out info to the pilots regarding the Contest of Champions! Get ready people!!
ØSW Daniel Goad says that there is something interesting on our House MB! Go check it out and reply! ;)
ØCMDR/GRD Tissaya Argat is working on a new House Comp. Ive seen the early details, and it is very impressive!
ØACO Marcin Mike Sydlowski has been promoted to the rank of Protector!
ØPRT Tissaya Argat has been promoted to the rank of Guardian!
ØPRT Tainer has been promoted to the rank of Guardian!
ØDark Side Scroll (DSS) x2 has been awarded to DJK Dash Rendar! Great job Dash!! :)
ØJH Chamberlain has changed Orders to become a Krath. Yikes! Good luck in your new Order Chamberlain!!
ØACO Siterath Goersase has changed Orders to become a Krath. Double Yikes! Best of luck to you as well!!
ØPRT KnightOfRage has changed Orders to join the Obelisk. Best of luck to you Knight in your new House!
Shadow Academy/IWATS
ØSBM Wil Striker has completed the DB Leadership Studies Course!
ØSW Daniel Goad has completed the DB Leadership Studies Course!
In Darkness ..
SBM Wil Striker (Sith)/AED/Ronin of Alvaak
WC/GN Wil Striker/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
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