Clan Alvaak PCON Report 10/30/2002
Krath Obelisk Sith
Greetings Clan Alvaak! Today SWL Tron Sadow announced his decision on who would become the new PCON of Clan Alvaak. It is with great appreciation to the CON that I have been given the opportunity to serve in this position, and to provide my experience and skill to helping Clan Alvaak reach new levels of success and strength in the months and years to come! I want to take this time to thank SWL Sadow for his great faith and trust in my abilities, and to also convey to him and the entire Clan that I will do everything in my power to see Clan Alvaak become an even greater and stronger Clan, as is its birthright! Clan Alvaak is not only the best Clan in the Dark Brotherhood, but it is also the First Clan of the Dark Brotherhood. A distinction that no one can every take away from us, and one we should boast loudly of at all times, regardless of what other Clans may say of us. We ARE the best, and in the future weeks and months to come we WILL prove to the entire Dark Brotherhood why this is true! If we must leave a path of blood and destruction in our wake while doing so, then that is how it shall be! So let it be written . So let it be done!! (Couldnt help borrowing this line from the movie the Ten Commandments. Hehehe)
The MAA has made the necessary changes on the Clan Roster to place me as PCON, so I will waste no time in getting to work with the House Summits and the Clan members to get things rolling. We have a major Clan competition beginning in the very near future, and I fully intend to do everything in my power to ensure that Clan Alvaak provides a sound thrashing to those that would dare oppose us in battle! Therefore I expect everyone in Clan Alvaak to provide no less than a 100% effort in the upcoming Clan feud. Anyone that fails to provide such an effort will have a great deal to answer for to their respective Summit leaders!
I know, already it sounds like the new PCON is on a power trip or something. But those in House Ronin that have known me for quite a while know full well that what I demand of my members is exactly what I demand of myself as well. I believe a leader should lead by example, and therefore you will always find me at the head of the ranks charging into battle! I will not ask one member of this Clan to do anything that I would not be willing to do myself. I never intend to allow one person to ever say that they shouldnt have to participate or be active because the PCON isnt active or participating as well! All I do ask is that each member of this Clan put forth the maximum effort they can in order to be active and involved at all times. The EH is here to provide a fun and entertaining environment in order for us to fulfill our online fantasy of serving within the Imperial military and in the Dark Side. To simply join this club and do nothing merely defeats the entire purpose of joining in the first place. I honestly believe that 90% of those that join this club have done so because they wish to be involved. Therefore all I ask of you is to remember why you joined the EH and the Dark Brotherhood, and from now on keep that focus as you progress through your EH careers. And I hope that as a result we will all have a great deal of fun while also being a major part of the Dark Brotherhood! J
In the next few days I will be communicating greatly with the CON and the House Summit members. So you can expect that during the next week or so that there will be some announcements made about some changes and so forth within each House. No, I do not have any plans on replacing any Summit members and so forth. What I refer to are changes in how each House is setup or how they currently function. I have been reviewing the overall status of Clan Alvaak for quite a few days now in preparation of beginning this position, and I have noticed that a great number of things are missing or wrong in each House. I fully intend to see these problems rectified quickly since they will greatly benefit the Houses and those that serve in them. So plan to see new messages within your inboxes in the coming days. :P
I should point out that I am a great believer in giving medals and promotions! However, those that have served with me in House Ronin know full well that I also expect to see a great deal of activity from everyone in order to receive these medals and promotions. I have never made it difficult to obtain them, all I ask is that you provide the effort and activity required to fulfill the needed tasks in order to receive these rewards. Therefore, much like I have recently done in House Ronin, I will be creating a Clan-wide Promotion/Award System that will be generic enough in its design to work for all Houses, but still allow each House Summit some flexibility in using it with the current protocols for their respective Orders. This should help provide guidance to the general members on what they need to do in order to receive new promotions, and at the same time have the opportunity to earn new medals as well. The system I setup for House Ronin has proven to be pretty effective so far, and in its first full month of use has resulted in over 6 actual promotions within one Battleteam alone! Therefore I am convinced that this is the right path to take for the Clan as a whole, and I trust that everyone will at least give it a chance to work before saying that the system sucks. :P
Also, many of you have heard of the Master/Apprentice programs running throughout the DB. For a long time I have watched as these programs start, but ultimately they fail due to a lack of involvement. Recently I began a new Master/Apprentice Program in House Ronin that goes WAY beyond what the other Clans and Houses have created. Where they simply tell someone what to do in order to complete a level of training and leave them to go off on their own to complete the assigned task, the program in House Ronin requires much more from the Masters and the House itself. I will provide more information on this in the very near future, and Im sure well see some great enthusiasm for it as well. J
For now I will close this first report and begin to work on my new duties as PCON. I want to add that for a very long time I have hoped to have a chance to lead an entire Clan, and in so doing help reestablish what was intended by the original founders of the Dark Brotherhood. With your help and activity I believe we are on the threshold of doing some great things. And by accomplishing these great things this glorious Clan will once again demonstrate why it is not only the First Clan of the Dark Brotherhood, but also why it is the Best Clan of the Dark Brotherhood!!
In Darkness ..
SBM Wil Striker (Sith)/PCON/Clan Alvaak
WC/GN Wil Striker/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
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