31st of October
Hail to you Champions.
Starting with today my reports will have new look. That very nice banner was made by Kyle Katarn. Big thanks, Also Kyle won our 'graphic contest'. Award will come soon. Congrats :)
Big changes have a place in our House and Clan. First of all Wil Striker was promoted and took over the position of Proconsul of Clan Alvaak. Congratulation :)
Connected with above fact is that our House hasn't AED. However I bet it will change soon ;) That position is open for applies.
Our QUA Jacen Nightflyer steped down. Best luck on your path and don't forget about your House :)
Also that position if open for applications.
In this week we gained one more pilot, Linoge. Welcome in Black Omega bro :)
Today we lost Mell. He wishes to be transffer to Obelisk Order. You are already missed mate. Take care out there. Good luck.
Tomorrow I will complete and send to you an addition with your points for medals.
Wil is PCON!
AED and QUA positions free to apply
Medals for competition against Sub Sero have been requested.
Linoge joined our forces!
We lost Mell :-(
Master/Apprentice programm has begun!
Orders and plans:
Get rest a bit, you deserved it after our victory in competition :-)
Take part in Master/Apprentice
I plan a competition for whole House. A big one. More details soon.
Don't forget report to me on thursdays, FLs don't forget about Flight Reports.
Visit #Alvaak channel on mIRC at least once a week.
Tiss (me)
Wrote this report (:P) Write a fiction and work at new competition.
Flying = 6 (Next rank: JH = 200pts)
Reported in.
Points: 0 (next rank :GRD = 100pts)
Flown: XWA DB 1, XWA TC 1, 24 Made a web page (sorry I had little accident with my outlook and lost your mail with the url.)
Flying: 30 fiction: 10 web page creation: 10 posts: 6
Total: 56 (next rank: PRT=40 points (recomended) )
Kyle Katarn
Won graphic contest!
Flying: 4 graphic: 10
Well I found out that ppl with the rank above DJK should get points as well.
Total: 14
Jedi Hunter
Flown: TIE Free 38, XvT Free 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11
Flying: 124 mission creation: 10, IWATS/SA 10, posts: 18
Total: 162 (next rank: DJK = 300 pts)
Chris Cox
Flown XvT TC 25, posts: 1 Reported in.
Flying: 17 posts: 2
Totaly: 19 (next rank: PRT= 40 points)
Marcin Szydlowski
posts: 2
Flying: 6, posts: 6, IWATS/SA 20
Total: 32 (next rank: GRD = 100pts)
Jedi Hunter
Joined Black Omega!
(next rank: DJK = 300 points)
Reported in.
(Next rank: JH = 200 pts)
Frey Gallandro
Write a poem, reported in
Flying: 4 fiction/poems 10
total: 14
Our points in this month:
106 (100 for promo and 6 for now) + 40 (Chaose promo) + 56 + 14 + 162 + 19 + 40 (Mike's promo) + 32 + 100 (Tainer's promo) + 14 = 583 !
So that would be all for this week.
Have a nice day.
GRD Tissaya Argat (Sith)/CMDR/Ronin of Alvaak
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