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<table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Tetrarch Report #7 (2002.10.31) Summary
Type: Tetrarch Report Summary
Date: Thursday, 31 October, 2002
Update by: **[Tirna Q'jira](mailto:Tirna_Qjira@yahoo.com)
</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">
<p class="report" align="center">Summary of Tetrarch Report #7 (2002.10.31)</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">Well, it would appear another week has gone by. I'm back from my leave, though I cannot say that it can really be even considered that considering I was one of the most active members of the Phyle. Ouch. We really must pick up the pace, my Tyros. I realize real life comes first, but if you don't have time for the Brotherhood, transfer to Rogue and then come back, we'll always have a spot for you, and it will help us be the best and most active Krath House and Phyle.
</p><p class="report">And speaking of activity, we have several things you can be active in to earn brownie points with your Tetrarch. Trust me, this is a good thing. Here they are, in no particular order:
</p><p class="report">[Krath Combat Center](http://www.minos.net/~mairin/combat/) - Some of you know about it, some of you don't. This is a great place to practice your writing skills in a combat situation and get a feel for what you can and can't do. Because, let's face it, the Force is great, but it can't do everything, or cause you do do everything. So go sign up, battle, have fun, and learn your character's boundries in combat.
</p><p class="report">[Neverending Run-On](http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2029) - Mejas has started a Run-On on the House Message board which is to be an ongoing Run-On until such a time as we either spam ourselves to death, Mejas gets tired of it, everyone else gets tired of it, or the Emperor's Hammer comes and cracks down on us for drowning their message board. Ahem. So go post!
</p><p class="report">Murder Mystery League II - We've only a few more days to get this all together, so this needs to take top priority as far as competitions go. I believe that all the testaments are taken care of, but if you have anything else to offer, don't hesitate to put it out there! The more members we have participating the better!
</p><p class="report">[Dark Allegiance: Phase III](http://www.yogle.freeserve.co.uk/DarkAllegiance/) - This has been postponed until probably Sunday, by when we should have the results for Phase II, and the Murder Mystery League will be up and running. This Phase is a run-on, and I expect everyone to be geared up and ready for it. All it takes to be counted as an active participant are three posts of fourty-five lines each in Microsoft Word. Don't be daunted by that now, just let your creativity go. But no practical jokes, please. The Run-On will be held on our advertisement free message board once it starts.
</p><p class="report">[October Monthly Fiction Topic](http://www.geocities.com/Ebon_Cloak_Phyle/Competitions.htm) - This was due today, but because of All Hallows Eve, and the fact that some people are having trouble with getting their submissions in due to computer problems and soforth, I have decided to give a grace period of until the third of November to get it in. So for those of you who haven't gotten a submission it, get it in! All the details are on the Ebon Cloak holosite.
</p><p class="report">November Monthly Topic - The November Monthly Fiction Topic (Resolution) was approved, so here are all the gory details. Enjoy.
</p><p class="report">Description:
Six Tyros under the care of one Tetrarch, the only female of the group, each with their own issues, their own problems and their own unresolved dilemas that may or may not come to an end.
</p><p class="report">Every member of the Phyle has a past.
</p><p class="report">But without resolution...
</p><p class="report">...will any member of the Phyle have a future?
</p><p class="report">Summary:
Write a story which details some event in your character's life in need of being resolved, and how that it affects the character and changes him/her physically and emotionally, and how this unresolved issue comes to a resolution.
</p><p class="report">Length:
The story must be at least two pages long in Microsoft Word.
</p><p class="report">Font:
The font may either be Arial, Times New Roman or Courier New
The font must be no bigger than twelve points, and no smaller than nine points.
</p><p class="report">Format:
The submission may either be in text (.txt), rich text (.rtf), Word document (.doc) or HTML (.htm/.html) format.
If you wish to submit your entry in another format please contact Tetrarch Tirna Q'jira and inquire beforehand.
</p><p class="report">Awards:
First Place: Cresent with Emerald Star (Cr-1E)
Second Place: Cresent with Topaz Star (Cr-1T)
Third Place: Cresent with Quartz Star (Cr-1Q)
</p><p class="report">Submissions:
Please send all submissions and questions to Tetrarch Tirna Q'jira.
</p><p class="report">Master-Student Competition III - For those of you who were not aware the Master-Student Competition version III is now underway and thriving. The details of that can be found on the official holosite here.
</p><p class="report">That's pretty much it in the way of current activities, but that should keep any good member busy for a little bit at least.
</p><p class="report">Now, on to my nice little section of miscellaneous stuff that just doesn't fit anywhere:
</p><p class="report">Journal Run-On - I've been promising and not delivering, and for that I must apologize. For me these past several days have been very hectic and I've not been able to get all the things done I wanted to. Hopefully by next report I can churn out some guidelines I'm happy with and we can all get started!
</p><p class="report">Monthly Poll - October's Monthly Poll will soon be taken down, and sofar I've only seen four members voting. Something is dreadfully wrong with that. So, like the monthly topic, you have until the third to vote as to what competitions you'd like to see in the future, and then go and post about them in further detail on the message board using the thread provided until general discussion.
</p><p class="report">Future Competitions - And speaking of future competitions, I do plan on doing poetry and run-ons as monthly things very soon, however I felt that we need to get a bit more active before we can avidly tackle anything so big as a run-on. So let's get cracking.
</p><p class="report">Fun - Fun is very important. If you're not having fun then something is wrong. If anyone is not having fun in their venture with the Brotherhood, I want to know. I cannot fix what I don't know if broken, and if you have a question, or a comment, or even a suggestion about how you think I could make things more fun and/or better, let me know! I want to hear from all of you about it!
</p><p class="report">Communication - Not only is this important, it's essential for us to be a real working team. We have a variety of ways to talk to each other: mailing lists, message boards, instant messengers. If anyone wants I'll toss out my AIM/MSN/ICQ/Y!P screen names out. I really want to talk to everyone one on one. I like to know my Tyros. I'm usually on in the evening around seven EST, so let's get talking, people!
</p><p class="report">In summantion we have a lot of things that need to be worked on, but I think if we actually put some effort into it we can do great things, my Tyros. So let's see some effort, lest I start kicking tails. I don't want to resort to a policy of miss two competitions in a month and you're out, so get motivated and active, or give me a reason why not.</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report" align="center">End Summary</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">GRD [Tirna Q'jira](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=1839) (Krath)/TET/[Acclivis Draco](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=28) of [Scholae Palatinae](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=10)/(SE)/Cr-1A/(LSS)/
Tetrarch and Webmaster of Ebon Cloak Phyle
"We all have a heritage. We all have a destiny. Whether we embrace it and become as we truly are meant to be, that is another matter entirely..."</p>
</td> </tr> </table>
<p class="report" align="center"><table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Dark Hand Report #1 (2002.10.31) Summary
Type: Dark Hand Report Summary
Date: Thursday, 31 October, 2002
Update by: **[Talons Pryde](mailto:talonsoftheclan@hotmail.com)
</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">
<p class="report" align="center">Summary of Dark Hand Report #1 (2002.10.31)</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">Greetings.</p>
<p class="report">Though this is my first report as Dark Hand I will not bore you with a long introduction. Rather, let's dig right into the gory stuff, shall we?</p>
<p class="report">Leaves of Absence:
Erryc Lassiter is still on leave due to real life, but continues to maintain the fact that he should be back to active duty soon.
Adian Pryde just went on leave and will be back on the eleventh of November. Hurry back, Acolyte!</p>
<p class="report">Transfers:
Unfortunately we lost both Acolyte Detori Koth and Protector Zedder Netzach to the Rougues. Just remember though, you'll always have a place to come back to if and when you return!</p>
<p class="report">Returns:
None this week. Hopefully someone next week?</p>
<p class="report">New Members:
We have a new member this week! Let's welcome Novice Jerroth Zakkorn into our midst!</p>
<p class="report">Awards/Medals:
Again, none this week. Check back next report.</p>
<p class="report">Activity:
Here is what has been seen this past week for activity:</p>
<p class="report">Erryc - None, on leave
Talons - Online Presense/Mailing List/Monthly Topic Submission
Ktulu - Online Presense/Mailing List
Adian - Announced Leave/None, On Leave
Mako - Online Presense
Jerroth - None, new member</p>
<p class="report">Hopefully the next report will see some medals and greater activity. We have got a lot of things to get done, Tyros of Ebon Cloak. Let's not let the Tetrarch down by not doing them.</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report" align="center">End Summary</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">GRD [Talons Pryde](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=1250) (Krath)/TYR/[Acclivis Draco](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=28) of [Scholae Palatinae](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=10)/Cr-1S/
Dark Hand of Ebon Cloak Phyle
"Beware the shadows for they move when you are not looking."</p>
</td> </tr> </table>
<p class="report" align="center"><table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Tetrarch Report #7 (2002.10.31)
Type: Tetrarch Report
Date: Thursday, 31 October, 2002
Update by: **[Tirna Q'jira](mailto:Tirna_Qjira@yahoo.com)
</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">
<p class="report">Another week had gone by, and the Tetrarch of Ebon Cloak had returned from her business to find Tiran a more submissive and open person, much to Tirna's surprise.</p>
<p class="report">"What did you do to him?" the Tetrarch finally inquired when she found her head steward.</p>
<p class="report">Alarr simpled smiled. "Personal secret. Go do your report." He gently -- but firmly -- shoved her out the door then, before she could even protest.</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">"I find this sad to say, but I fear I must say it. I was the most active member of our Phyle and I was on leave! This is absolutely shameful! I expect a turn around soon I can promise you that you will find your belongings out to sea and you will perform your duties sans covering. Am I clear?"</p>
<p class="report">There were a volley of nods and the Tetrarch moved on.</p>
<p class="report">"Those of you who have not signed up for the Krath Combat Center I expect you to do so forthwith. It is an excellent way to test yourself and become stronger and more skilled at a variety of combat styles. I will accept any challenges posed to me by any of you, so you are free to test the mettle of your Tetrarch." She smiled sweetly.</p>
<p class="report">"We need to finish assembling our submission for the Murder Mystery League II. Please remember that this is a Krath-Wide activity that each of the Krath Houses do, so I expect to see all of you participating not only amongst yourself, but with the others members of the House as well. We only have a few more days to finish this so it needs to take top priority in your agenda of Brotherhood assignments.</p>
<p class="report">"The launch of Phase III and thus our depature have been delayed until 20021103. This will give you plenty of time to work on your monthly topics for this month, as well as next. The details of such, as usual, can be found on the Ebon Cloak holosite.</p>
<p class="report">"On another note," the Tetrarch continued, pausing momentarily for breath, "the Master/Student Championship III is now underway. Best wishes to all the participants. May the best pair win." She smiled, amusement coloring her eyes.</p>
<p class="report">"On a few, final, miscellaneous notes, I'm leaving the monthly poll topic up on the holosite as only four of you have voted. This result is shameful and I expect to see more votes by the end of next month, or it will be left up yet again until I get more input as to what sort of competitions you wish for me to arrange.</p>
<p class="report">"Also, communication. There is a definate lack of that even now, and such displeases me. We need to get to know each other if we are to survive this upcoming mission, my Tyros. We are supposed to have fun, true, but at the same time this is also a very serious, very deadly place to be. If you do not know each other, you could likely step on the wrong toe and be vaporized before you can blink. You have been warned."</p>
<p class="report">She smiled then, a wane but warm little smile. "In summantion we have a lot of things that need to be worked on, but I think if we actually put some effort into it we can do great things, my Tyros. So let's see some effort, lest I start kicking tails. I don't want to resort to a policy of miss two competitions in a month and you're out, so get motivated and active, or give me a reason why not."</p>
<p class="report">And with that she decended off the dais, leaving her new Dark Hand to take the stand.</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">GRD [Tirna Q'jira](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=1839) (Krath)/TET/[Acclivis Draco](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=28) of [Scholae Palatinae](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=10)/(SE)/Cr-1A/(LSS)/
Tetrarch and Webmaster of Ebon Cloak Phyle
"We all have a heritage. We all have a destiny. Whether we embrace it and become as we truly are meant to be, that is another matter entirely..."</p>
</td> </tr> </table>
<p class="report" align="center"><table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Dark Hand Report #1 (2002.10.31)
Type: Dark Hand Report
Date: Thursday, 31 October, 2002
Update by: **[Talons Pryde](mailto:talonsoftheclan@hotmail.com)
</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">
<p class="report">Talons Pryde strode up to the podium with a purpose. His robes flying behind him like a giant set of wings. His Imperial grey uniform well kept and pressed shown beneath the fluttering robes.</p>
<p class="report">"I am Talons Pryde. I am a Major in the Imperial Twin Ion Engine Corps and I am a protector within the Dark Brotherhood." He paused from his introduction and gazed closely at the assembled tyros of the Ebon Cloak. "I am also Shadow Jedi."</p>
<p class="report">"Considering this is my first report, I will dispense with the introductions for now. According to my records, Erryk Lassiter is still on leave but I assume that he will be returning soon," he stated flatly. "I have also been informed that Acolyte Adian Pryde has just gone on leave and should be returning 20021111. Let us hope that this information is correct." Talons paused for the moment to inhale and gather his thoughts.</p>
<p class="report">"Your previous Dark Hand left the office in a mess and I am trying to straighten it all out. From what I am able to ascertain, we lost two people this past week to the rogues, Acolyte Detori Koth and Protector Zedder Netzach. I hope that they both know they can return when they wish."</p>
<p class="report">He inhaled deeply. "Novice Jerroth Zakkorn, please step up to the podium. Let us welcome this new Krath to our ranks. I have had the privilege to meet him and he is a good man for our order. Let us help nurture his time here."</p>
<p class="report">Talons looked at the activity logs and frowned. "I am disappointed at the activity list I have here. It seems we are barely interacting with each other and seem to be lounging around a bit too much. Do I have to kick you people into talking to each other and furthering your studies? Do not tempt me," he growled dangerously. "That is all. Dismissed."</p>
<p class="report">Talons turned on his heal and strode out of the area and stormed into his quarters and back to his plans for the upcoming assault. He had a great amount of work to do and little time to do it in.</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">GRD [Talons Pryde](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=1250) (Krath)/TYR/[Acclivis Draco](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=28) of [Scholae Palatinae](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=10)/Cr-1S/
Dark Hand of Ebon Cloak Phyle
"Beware the shadows for they move when you are not looking."</p>
</td> </tr> </table></p></p></p>
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