Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Battle Harbinger of Ronin

Squad Report 22

Dark greetings everyone!

Squadron News

  • Guardian Blastfire has been replaced as Flight Leader, and Protector Drake Jensen and Sith Warrior Daniel Goad have been promoted to Flight Leaders.

-WE NEED TO RECRUIT. With the loss of two, we need to fill the lost space.


-Guardian Tissaya Argat has organized a competition for house Ronin. For those who did not recieve the notice for some odd reason here it is:



    I have idea for new competition for whole House. Normally I would talk about that with AED and QUA, but temporary we haven't any of them. I also know that Master/Apperantice programm has begun, so you may not have a willl of participation in my competition and I would like to know your opinion, also find out how many of you would take part in it. I'll introduce you about what I based it and what would be a point of it, however remember that it's only a plan and needs to be update.


    This competition (I haven't found any good name for it yet) will have three separate sections. Every person whould have to sign up to one and during the competition no one will allow to change a section. Each section would have about 4 tasks to complete. Below are listed sections and plan of tasks.



Section #1.


Task 1.

    Write a short story describing a day from your life in House Ronin.

(No longer than 1 page written in word. Maximum points to gain: 20)


Task 2.

   Find answers for 10 listed questions. { I will write here 10 questions connected with House and members, and I would like to ask you for one thing. Don't change anything on your profile and homepage if it's added to your dossier during the competition, because if you will change something I will be unable to correct a results of that task.} 

(for each correct answer you will get 2 points)


Task 3.

    Write a recruit e-mail. It has to contain info about you, your House and why young Jedi should join your house. Offer your help.

(No longer than one page in word. Max points for that task: 20)


Task 4.

     Write your own opinion on the topic:

“The most popular thing in Dark Brotherhood may seems a lightsaber. When you reach DJK position, you get it. Do you think if every rank, not only DJK should has optional abillieties to offer? For example when you reach JH rank you would be able to choose between: heal and mind blast skills."

(no longer than 2 pages in word, max points for that task: 20)



Section #2.


Task 1.

    Answer the questions. {10 questions about SW}

(2 points for each correct answer)


Task 2.

    Find out if the info is true: { some info about whole Clan, you will have to check homepages of teams, houses and clan also profiles and so to find out if it's true or false}

(Max points: 20)


Task 3.

    Choose 3 people from House Ronin, who are an examples to follow for you. Write your opinion, what they did and still do for a house, why they are so special. (No longer than 1 page in word. Max points: 20)


Task 4.

     Write your opinion:

“If Jedi below DJK rank should have any weapon and what kind of if yes?”

(no longer than 2 page in word, Max points :20) 



Section #3.


Task 1.

    Make an interview with someone from House Ronin (not with yourself :P) It must contain 10 questions.

(Max points: 20)


Task 2.

    Fill in the empty spaces. {sentences about house Ronin with empty spaces, you will have to find the info to fill it correctly.}

(Max points: 20)


Task 3.

    Write an article about current situation in House Ronin. What’s going on now, what has been changed and what should be done in your opinion. (no longer than one page in word, Max points: 20)


Task 4.

     Write your own opinion for a topic:

“We are Dark Jedi shouldn’t we use dark sabers instead of light sabers?”

(No longer than two pages in word, Max points: 20)



    That's the plan. And as every plan it might be change :-)

If most of you will accept it and say that be participate, I'll creat web page maybe with some online forms and put there all rules, tasks, time limits, and whole nessesery stuff.


    Please let me know what you think.



GRD Tissaya Argat (Sith)/CMDR/Ronin of Alvaak

As you can see there's a lot that can be done so, get to work !!! :) Lets show that Harbinger is an alive part of House Ronin, not just a retirement home.


-Continue to write fiction and show activity towards

the DB, earn points!! If I offer a way to earn points, take advantage.

-Participate in House Ronin competition.

-Be active

Special Announcements


*House Ronin competition!!


**Try and show up on IRC once and a while, show me that your still here and awake.

Squadron Status



Promotions :

Drake and Goad to Flight Leader positions



Current Points:

PRO Drake Jensen - 20 points

DJK Qui Nero - 60 points

SW Goad- pending

Current Roster

Battle Team Harbinger of Ronin

Commander: DJK Qui Nero ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Motto: Failure is not in our Creed

Homepage: http:

Message Board:

Flight I

  1. Dark Jedi Knight Qui Nero [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

  2. Protector Drax Remlinger [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Flight II

  1. Protector Drake Jensen [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Flight III

  1. Sith Warrior Daniel Goad [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

  2. Guardian Patrick Blastfire [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


DJK Qui Nero (Sith)/CMDR/Ronin of Alvaak DC-KC {SA: CORE-CH-G:LS-S:ISET-S:ESET}

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