Greetings House Archanis, tonight I bring you the House Relatório #1
Theres a lot to go over, this will be a abnormally long report :P so without delay I will start.....
Well first off I am deeply honored to have been appointed the new Quaestor of House Archanis. I'm looking forward to taking Archanis to new heights and higher accomplishments. The House is in need of severe reconstruction and this has already started. As you know the new Aedile of Archanis is SBM John "Backfire" Doe, an excellent member who did wonders with Hyperion Flight. Archanis Roll Master has also been recently appointed, DJK Draggore takes the position updating the Archanis site and will be tracking Commander activity as well. Look for Weekly reports from the entire House Summit.
Battle Team Shadowmorph has been depressed in member count and activity for a while now. With the recent transfers this BT has suffered greatly. It was decided by the House Summit and CON Jeff Loruss to shut the BT down. It will benefit the House in the long run and when the roster rises again I will immediately re-open Shadowmorph without hesitation. believe me it was very hard for me to do this but it is for the good of Archanis.
<font color="#800000">SPECIAL INFORMATION</font>
Congratulations to DJK Draggore, his hard work in the designing the Archanis web site paid off. It has won the EH Site of the Week! I must say his coding on the site is superb and we are deeply appreciated of the many functions it can do. :)
<font color="#800000">ROSTER CHANGES</font> <div>
-PRT Zhaim Jifarr promoted to CV CMDR
-PRT Zhaim Jifarr promoted to GRD
-SW Pellaeon promoted to HYPE CMDR
-JH Draggore promoted to Dark Jedi Knight
-NOV Scuslem promoted to ACO
-NOV JaimieK promoted to ACO
-DJK Sturm transferred to Tridens
-SW Rexal Qel transferred to Tridens
-DJK Steele Brightsaber declared AWOL
-ACO Rebkiller declared AWOL (I hope he ran off to kill rebels :P)
<font color="#800000"></font> <div>MISC
<font size="2">The House egroups has been updated, if for some reason your not receiving egroups mail please send a mail to Draggore. </font>[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
--Taldryan Combat Consortium, a ladder style Clan wide competition held Bi-Monthly. <font face="Courier New" color="#0000ff" size="2">http://www22.brinkster.com/grail/acc/default.asp</font>
--COCK "Campaign of Clans Karma", hosted by our own PCON OWL Sharad, who btw has been recently appointed, congrats!! Get al your info here: http://www.dinaari.org/cock/information.html
--Sith Champion and QUA Escort for November is active as of right now!
ok Folks, thats it from me. The time is here, letz bring Archanis back to its former reputation and glory!
<font size="1"><font face="Tahoma"><font color="#ff0000">SBM Smitrock (Sith)/QUA/Archanis of
DB starfighter - "Dragon Slayer [TIE
<font size="1"><font color="#000080">COM/RA
Former EH Academy
Instructor of XvT
Official EH Experimental Craft - "Sith Advanced [TIE
Personal Starfighter - "Dragon Slayer [TIE
<font color="#800080" size="3">"Im not afraid of failure, neither from myself nor others.."</font>
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