SBL Jeff Loruss Reporting in for Clan Taldryan
Report # 27
5>SA Test Results-
7>CONSULs Thoughts
Just wanted to drop everyone a line and inform you that the House Archanis site has recieved the EH 4-star rating and is the current EH site of the week!
Thats right house Archanis won the EH site of the week award!!!! Congrats to the house and a big thanks to the member that made the site!!! J
TCC is in the second half of this run please go sign up and play!!! http://www22.brinkster.com/grail/acc/default.asp
Since there is not enough members in Archanis the decision has been made to close ShadowMorph Battle Team. We will reopen it once the house regains enough members.
In the latest news this week `Peer was sleep walking and talking. Once he woke up from his sleep he disappeared. Sources now quote that CONSUL Tiger is behind all the net splits that plague Channel #taldryan.
[16:14]* peer-slp is now known as `peer
[16:14] <`peer> happy? :P
[16:27] * `peer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
[16:29] <`Tiger> thats what he gets for coming back from sleeping :P
[16:29] <coranel> lol
[16:29] * Coranel decides that Tiger is behind net splits everywhere :P
[16:29] <`Tiger> MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :P
More news next week.
The real news for Ekky is the House Feud they are in Bej and Bubbs would like everyone to know about so here is a URL that has all the cool details. I also think that they are doing pretty well with it J
UPDATE!!!!-House Ekky is in its third phase of the feud. This means they are getting closer to WINNING!!!!
The three was feud between Alvaak,CSP, and us is getting closer to being ready we are now discussing things like story plotlines and events for each part of the feud.
The tallys are complete CONGRATS!!! To all the winners J
<2-Joins Parts /AWOLs>
The following Email change request has been approved:
Requesting Member: NOV Nimravus (Obelisk)
Email changed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Super,Nimravus,Morthoseth,Khaine,Delbaeth,DAYW4LKER,Darchtra,Zotie,Phr00t,Katarn,Cobolt,Kaen,Ryo,Bolan Remon
All of these members did not respond to the AWOL check so therefore if they want to come back to Dinaari they will have to transfer back in. J
DJK Steele Brightsaber Dossier # 72
ACO rebelkiller Dossier # 2098 these two are from Archanis if they wish to come back they are also welcome. J
KP Kermee (Krath), your transfer request has been approved.
Transfer request details:
Transfering From: Battle Team Phoenix [ORB]
Transfering To: Rogue
DJK Phalk Sturm (Sith), your transfer request has been approved.
Transfer request details:
Transfering From: Battle Team Hyperion Flight
Transfering To: House Tridens
SW Rexal Qel (Sith), your transfer request has been approved.
Transfer request details:
Transfering From: Battle Team Shadowmorph
Transfering To: House Tridens
DJK Draggore to RM of House Archanis-
Recommendation for: JamieK (Sith)
Old Rank: Novice (NOV)
New Rank: Acolyte (ACO)
Cluster of Fire-
List of winners by week since starting-
NOV Phr00t-1
DJK Destoval Gin-1
GRD Acidic-1
ACO Shaithis-2
Weekly awards-
ACO Shaithis (Obelisk)-7
DJK Destavol Gin (Obelisk)-3
OW Vulken (Obelisk)-1
GRD Acidic (Obelisk)-3
NOV Isoldur "Dragon" Cauthon (Obelisk)-1
That makes ACO Shaithis the winner for this week. CONGRATS!!! To him as he is the first to win not only two weeks of this but also the first to win two weeks in a row!!! Will he make it three this week?? I guess we have to wait and find out J As for Shaithis he earns the right to say NAH NAH To everyone else!!!
Medal Requested: Star of Eos (SE)
Requested for: SBM Smitrock (Sith)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Diamond Star (D)
Requested for: GRD Acidic (Obelisk)
Medal Requested: Star of Eos (SE)
Requested for: DJK Coranel Both (Krath)
<5-SA Test Results>
Scuslem (Sith)--
Congratulations! You have passed the Sith Flight Studies: Enemy
Starfighter Engineering and Technology course!
Xander Drax (Krath), this message is to inform you that you have passed
the Sith Basic Studies Course.
Scuslem (Sith), this message is to inform you that you have passed the
Sith Basic Studies Course.
Scuslem (Sith)--
Congratulations! You have passed the Sith Flight Studies: Imperial
Starfighter Engineering and Technology course!
ACC- Archanis Combat Consortium- We have started a new two month run please go sign up and for those new to it make sure to read the rules J
This URL will be staying the same , and also JKII has been added to the list of games to be played. These medals have recently been changed. they are now.
Those being
1st place- Crescent W/Amethyst Star (Cr-1A)
2nd place- Crescent W/Sapphire Star (Cr-1S)
3rd place- Crescent W/Emerald Star (Cr-1E)
Scavenger Hunt-
Hunt #1- Ehart Dak`wind
Hunt #2-DJK Powerslave
Hunt #3- Ehart Dak`wind
Hunt #4- DJK Kermee
Hunt #5-DJK Powerslave
Hunt #6-DJK Powerslave
Hunt #7-Ehart Dak`wind
Hunt #8-Kevin Pryde
Hunt #9-GRD Angelus
Hunt#10-Coranel Both
This weeks winner is Coranel Both he answered with the correct URL!!
Hunt #11- Ok this weeks hunt might be a bit harder. There is a URL that shows a bunch of banners. I want not only the URL for this, but also the actual image with these words in it.
We are the Elite
So I need the Url and a pic of this for anyone to win. First one to do wins.
<7-CONSULs Thoughts>
We have been cutting out the dead weight of the Clan which is great now lets take the active members we have and have as much fun as we can handle not to mention bringing on more new members who want to have fun!!!
Keep up the awesome work!!!!
SBL Jeff Loruss(Sith)/CON/Clan Taldryan
Former Sith Academy Instructor- {SA:DfSS}
Former P:SHW
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