Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Okay, so the report's a day late, but seeing as you haven't had one at all for over a month no complaining!


Well, big thanks to Alanna and PhoenixMan for helping with the entries for the first to phases of DA, and huge thanks to Alanna for her first two posts so far! PhoenixMan, Astar and Baron Fel, you guys need to get posting on that!


Well, we lost Kermee and Tel-lei to the rogues, sorry to see both of them go, especially Kermee - let's hope they find time to get back to us at some point!

The roster, for those of you who've lost track, now looks like this:

KAP Bubbles

KE Alanna

KAP Baron Fel

NOV Astar Gin

GRD PhoenixMan

Medals/Courses completed

Well I don't know about you guys, but I've done the DB Leadership Studies and Krath Grammar Courses. Don't forget to keep me informed with what courses you're doing!

A well done should go here to Alanna, for winning one of the Tallys!


None that I can tell you of.....yet.

Astar and PhoenixMan - this feud is a brilliant way to show that you're ready to be promoted! You get to participate in a run-on, write your own story for the final phase, and had the chance to participate in some group writing... It'd be great if at the end of this both of you could get promo'd. I'll try and remember to check with Betj exactly what it is you need to do, and let you both know!

Current Comps

  • Dark Allegiance Run-on. Going on over the egroup. Basic idea is to write about how we actually carry out the attack plan we formed. I've attached the plan to this email so you can all swat up on it. EVERYONE needs to post in this - we get points for participation.

  • Run-on on the MBs - I believe there's one started to coincide with Mai's run-on for the month - go check it out!

  • Krath monthly topics. I'm not telling you them here - if you're good and post in the run-on I'll let you know, otherwise you can go and find them for yourselves!!!

  • Sharad's comps - read his report to find these!

  • Any more comps you know of? Let me know!

TET's Request

Nice and simple for this week - GO WRITE IN THE DA RUN-ON!!!!!!!!!!!

KAP Bubbles

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