Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

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<table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Tetrarch Report #8 (2002.11.07) Summary

      Type: Tetrarch Report Summary  

      Date: Thursday, 07 November, 2002  

      Update by: **[Tirna Q'jira](

</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">

 <p class="report" align="center">Summary of Tetrarch Report #8 (2002.11.07)</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report">Because I am so horribly tired -- I think I am coming down with something -- I am doing my first and hopefully only text report summary. I think my report would come out rather unpleasant if I did anything more.</p>

 <p class="report">So here is all the lovely gory stuff. Enjoy. Digest. Do.</p>

 <p class="report">Activities:

Journal Run-On - It's finally up! I've been promising for weeks and now it's finally up! Participation for the Ebon Cloak Phyle is mandatory for further advancement in the Phyle and to be considered active. I also highly recommend keeping it hand written in a notebook, or like I am in an actual, hardback journal. Very nice. The rules and guidelines are in the first post, and it can be found on the Ebon Cloak message board.</p>

 <p class="report">[Krath Combat Center]( - Everyone should know about this now. It's good practice for brushing up your combat and run-on skills. At least in my opinion. It can also serve as a means of developing your character. So go sign up if you haven't already and have fun!</p>

 <p class="report">[Neverending Run-On]( - Mejas started it and I hope to see everyone participating in this as well if possible. I myself will be posting something soon. After I'm not feeling so under the weather, that is. Sleep should help. But enough about me, go post!</p>

 <p class="report">Competitions:

October Monthly Fiction - I've received the last entry for this last month's fiction topic and I will be grading them all shortly. Results should be in within the next few days, and no later than the next report.</p>

 <p class="report">[November Monthly Fiction]( - I've very pleased to see my Dark Hand, Talons Pryde, has already submitted his November piece. For those of you who don't remember the topic is Resolution. All the details will be up on the Ebon Cloak holosite by tomorrow when I overhaul everything else.</p>

 <p class="report">Murder Mystery League II - We've gotten our first case to solve. Everyone should have a copy of it, and if not email me and I'll send you one. Free of charge even. Aren't I nice? But for those who do have it, get in your answers, ideas, and thoughts soon!</p>

 <p class="report">[Dark Allegiance: Phase III]( - Yup, we're finally into Phase III. This one's a run-on so I expect people to participate in this one better than we did in the last phase. I want to see everyone putting out their best in this, because next comes individual two-page essays. The run-on can be found on the Ebon Cloak message board.</p>

 <p class="report">Microsoft Paint - If I recall right the submissions for the Microsoft Paint competitions are due this Monday on the eleventh. It really doesn't take long to whip up something so I hope that a few more Krath participate in this Clan-wide competition.</p>

 <p class="report">Krath Monthly Topics - The Krath monthly topics are out as follows:</p>

 <p class="report">Fiction: Ray of Light

Format: .doc, .txt, .rtf

Due by: 11.59pm, 30th November</p>

 <p class="report">Poetry: Honour

Format: .doc, .txt, .rtf

Due by: 11.59pm, 30th November

Genre: Any - you choose!</p>

 <p class="report">Run-on: An old city has been discovered in a desert of a remote planet. A team from your House is sent there to investigate it, but whilst they are there a memberof the team is murdered/dies in suspicious circumstances. There is a possibility that this has been carried out by infiltration by rival Houses/Clans. Investigate the death, ever mindful of the dangers you face on a possibly hostile world.

Format: .doc, zipped; QUA/AED of House should submit

Due by: 11.59pm, 30th November

Rules: As determined by Quaestor or Aedile - submissions should be zipped in a Word document before submission however.</p>

 <p class="report">I do not believe we will be doing the run-on, however the poetry and fiction topics have some interesting concepts behind them. So if you find you've participated in everything else, go participate in those.</p>

 <p class="report">Promotions:

None yet. Perhaps next week.</p>

 <p class="report">Miscellaneous:

Monthly Poll - I've decided to keep the current poll another month because I am not satisfied with the poor results it has received in relation to my command to vote and then go post in detail. I hope to see more activity toward that.</p>

 <p class="report">Promotions Requirements - I hope to see the results of what everyone is working on towards their next promotion soon. I will be quite happy to be able to mark down completed requirements, or even better recommend promotions for people who have completed all their requirements.</p>

 <p class="report">That's pretty much it for this week. Hopefully next week will be better.</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">End Summary</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report">GRD [Tirna Q'jira]( (Krath)/TET/[Acclivis Draco]( of [Scholae Palatinae](


Tetrarch and Webmaster of Ebon Cloak Phyle

"We all have a heritage. We all have a destiny. Whether we embrace it and become as we truly are meant to be, that is another matter entirely..."</p>

</td> </tr> </table>

<p class="report" align="center"><table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Dark Hand Report #2 (2002.11.07) Summary

      Type: Dark Hand Report Summary  

      Date: Thursday, 07 November, 2002  

      Update by: **[Talons Pryde](

</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">

 <p class="report" align="center">Summary of Dark Hand Report #2 (2002.11.07)</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report">Let us dispense with the pleasantries:</p>

 <p class="report">LoA's

Aidan Pryde will be back soon...

Erryc Lassiter is some where out there...</p>

 <p class="report">Returns

None Noted</p>

 <p class="report">Transfers:

None Found</p>

 <p class="report">New Members:


 <p class="report">Medals:


 <p class="report">Activity:

Erryc - None, on leave

Talons - On-line Presense/Mailing List/KCC

Ktulu - On-line Presense/Mailing List

Adian - None, On Leave

Mako - On-line Presense/KCC

Jerroth - On-line Presence/working on his assignments...</p>

 <p class="report">Any questions?</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">End Summary</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report">GRD [Talons Pryde]( (Krath)/TYR/[Acclivis Draco]( of [Scholae Palatinae](


Dark Hand of Ebon Cloak Phyle

"Beware the shadows for they move when you are not looking."</p>

</td> </tr> </table>

<p class="report" align="center"><table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Tetrarch Report #8 (2002.11.07)

      Type: Tetrarch Report  

      Date: Thursday, 07 November, 2002  

      Update by: **[Tirna Q'jira](

</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">

 <p class="report">The Tetrarch of Ebon Cloak entered the lounge area of the Phyle, an armful of books in hand. A quick motion and they all went flying across the table. "Everyone pick one," she ordered, taking up one for herself. "Now!" she reinforced the command at the hesitant and dubious looks.</p>

 <p class="report">As the Tyros slowly began choosing a book from the scattered pile the Ebon Cloak Tetrarch sank into a chair at the head of the table. Her gaze meet with Talons, who sat straight across from her. His look was calm, if slightly questioning. She waved the look off with a slight gesture.</p>

 <p class="report">"My Tyros," she began once all had taken one of the hard-backed books. "These are to be your journals." She reached into the folds of her robe to pull out a book of her own. "Within these pages," she continued, holding the leather-spined journal up, "you will details all the thoughts, emotions, and memories you have each day without fail. _Without fail_," she emphasised in reply to a dubious glance or two.</p>

 <p class="report">"We are Krath. If we do not know our own thoughts and emotions how can we expect to read anothers? Yes, we are the students of ancient culture and mythology. Yes, we pour through old, crumbling tomes of civilizations past, seeking to further our knowledge of the Dark Side. But we are also the diplomats of the Brotherhood." The resounding echo of the journal Tirna held in her hand slamming down on the table silenced all protests. "We are diplomats," she reiterated. "And as diplomats we must know ourselves before we can know anyone else and become true users of diplomacy. Use these journals well, Tyros. Keep them with you always. And that _is_ and order." She smiled sweetly.</p>

 <p class="report">"Now, seeing as we are all assembled I believe I will deliver my report here. Talons may deliver his report later, an he chooses." The Dark Hand nodded slightly and Tirna moved on. "Our departure has been delayed, unfortunately. I expect we shall move out in a few hours, first light at the latest. Be ready by then if you are not already."</p>

 <p class="report">Folding her hands on above the other she relaxed, leaning back into her chair. "As most of you know the Krath Combat Center is in place, for those of you who don't, or who have not signed up already, go and do so at your soonest convinence. I look forward to receiving a challenge from each of you."</p>

 <p class="report">"We have received our first fictional murder case to solve, and each of you should have had a copy sent to you via the House's contact list. If not, let me know and I'll send you a transmission of it as soon as I can, else speak with me personally and I'll give you a datacard containing the information.</p>

 <p class="report">"I've received all the entries for last month's fiction topic, and I am pleased to say that Talons has already submitted his entry for this month's topic. I look forward to seeing entries from all of you, and I will be grading the one from last month over the next few days.</p>

 <p class="report">"The Krath High Priestess has also set forth some new topics this month, so if you find yourself having completely all the available Phyle and House activities, feel free to participate in those, however I would appreciate it if you would all be sure that I receive a copy of your submission as well as Mairin." She smiled. "I like to know if my people are being active or not.</p>

 <p class="report">"On a final note I am sad to say that no promotion requirements have been worked toward this past week. I am quite sure that all of you are aware of what you need to do next to mark off one more step toward your promotion. If not, let me know and I will be more than happy to inform you and even go so far as to help you with it if you feel you need such aid."</p>

 <p class="report">She rose from the chair then, pushing away from the table as she did so. "That is all I have for this week, hopefully next week will have more to report, though with this upcoming mission we will have to see. As you were."</p>

 <p class="report">And with her journal in hand the Tetrarch of the Ebon Cloak Phyle turned and exited the lounge, moving off to a destination unknown...</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report">GRD [Tirna Q'jira]( (Krath)/TET/[Acclivis Draco]( of [Scholae Palatinae](


Tetrarch and Webmaster of Ebon Cloak Phyle

"We all have a heritage. We all have a destiny. Whether we embrace it and become as we truly are meant to be, that is another matter entirely..."</p>

</td> </tr> </table>

<p class="report" align="center"><table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Dark Hand Report #2 (2002.11.07)

      Type: Dark Hand Report  

      Date: Thursday, 07 November, 2002  

      Update by: **[Talons Pryde](

</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">

 <p class="report">Talons Pryde stormed into the assembly area kicked the podium twice and shouted out loudly, "I want something to report next week other than we exist! We have Erryc and Adian on leave and no one has done a damned thing! That is all!" He then stormed right back out the door without waiting for an answer.</p>

 <p class="report">The assault was delayed, which gave him extra time to research a few things. It also gave the enemy more time to prepare. He was not in a good mood. He grabbed his equipment and headed out the door to go to the Krath Combat Centre to loosen up some. He needed the release before he exploded on the wrong person. He was trapped between duty and desire and it was eating him alive.</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report">GRD [Talons Pryde]( (Krath)/TYR/[Acclivis Draco]( of [Scholae Palatinae](


Dark Hand of Ebon Cloak Phyle

"Beware the shadows for they move when you are not looking."</p>

</td> </tr> </table></p></p></p>

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