Well hellva lot has happened in the past week so for this week (and coz I have the new GTA Game and Age of Mythologies to play) I will quickly list em
SW Astix has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star
SW Demos has been awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star
JH Narc has been awarded a Crescent with Amethyst Star
GRD Philo has been awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star x2
SW Demos has been elevated to Sith Battle Master
DJK Khamier Sarin has been elevated to Sith Warrior
DJK Dax Corrin has been elevated to Sith Warrior
DJK DarkFinn has been elevated to Sith Warrior
PRT KnightOfRage has been elevated to Guardian
Congrats to all of ya. A great amount of promos and awards this week. :D
Also worth a mention is that Darkfinn has passed the General Studies Leadership Course. Nice one DF.
We also have a new Battleteam opened up, Purgatory Squadron and the CMDR has been announced. Congrats to SW Brian as he is heading it up as Commander.
One last thing, Welcome to our 2 newest members GRD KnightOfRage and PRT Drax Remlinger :) Hope ya like it round here guys, it ain't such a bad place.
Well until next week
In Darkness
SBL Reaper
FM/COL Reaper/Praetorian 3-3/DGN Lichtor V
GS/SS/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx6/MoI/MoT-1rh-1gh/IS-6BW-7SW-1SR-2GW/LoC-CSx5/MoC-2BoC-1GoC/CoS/CoB/CoLx2/OV-3E [GLDR],
SBL Reaper (Sith)/FM/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
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