Krath Archpriest Khaen
8th November, 2002
[:: NEWS ::]
KP Corde Aghasset holds the record of serving the least time in Drynwyn's Flame. A day after he joined, he transferred to the Rogues :P
The Phase III run-on is proceeding well. Chaos Angel, you're up next for posting! After that, we won't bother with a set order.
-KP Corde Aghasset went Rogue
Dark Allegiance Phase III has been running for a while. It's at http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2247
House Acclivis Draco got its MMLII entry sent off without a hitch, and now we've been given our first mystery to solve. I think I found the answer, and Mejas agrees.
Not really a comp, but there's an ongoing HAD run-on over at http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?p=38324. Post whenever you get the time!
Krath Archpriest; Drynwyn's Flame Tetrarch Khaen
KAP Khaen (Krath)/TET/House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae
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