Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Galthain of Clan Satal Keto

Quaestor: Battlemaster Pyralis

Aedile: Dark Jedi Knight Bobxavi

November 9th, 2002

Dawn was quick approaching. Pyralis and Bobxavi sat atop a high plateau overlooking the clan headquarters and the western sky. Their eyes were closed, sensing the imminent rising of their sun. The air was chilled, but they did not notice it in deep meditation.

The rising light illuminated the goings-on far below them. Battlelord Darkonian directed the brilliant apprentices in training through their morning activities. The first signs of life on Desalmado were becoming apparent.

::suddenly, there was a blast of warm energy on their faces:: Bobxavi smiled, feeling the powerful sensation of the Lyarna sun.

"The dawn of a new day has come DJK Bobxavi, are you ready?" Pyralis asked.


Welcome to Acolyte Talon Astruar who joins us from an order change elsewhere in CSK. We hope that your stay with us is long and prosperous, or short and….explosive? :P …always the wrong words. lol

Prospective members (yeah!)… Gutt, Delak, Darknyte, Ulath (premature welcome, please!!)


Protector Mark Schueler has been promoted to Guardian for satisfactorily meeting the requirements of command during his probationary time as CMDR. Congrats GRD Mark Schueler, we just need to get you some pilots now!! :)


Crescent w/ Sapphire Star (Cr-1S) - JH Vessicant (2nd - Hacker's Helper)

Crescent w/ Topaz Star (Cr-1T) - GRD Josh Popelka (3rd - Hacker's Helper)


[s]=single player ladder

SBM Pyralis: XvT-IW #30[s], TIE-FCHG 2[s], XWA-TC 8[s]

PRT TK-2107: XWA-TC 8[s], TIE-FCHG 2[s]

DJK DarkHawk: MSC III Round 2 Submission, Squadron Report

DJK Bobxavi: XWA-TC 8[s]

House Events:


4 prospective members are close to becoming members of House Galthain.

Gutt, Delak, Darknyte, and Ulath! I really hope that everything is being done to start their membership to Galthain as quick as possible. We REALLY want to see you guys be a part of Galthain :)

Delphian Squadron vs. Domi's Disciples of Death

The winning squadron will receive 10 (ten) industrial points in DA Keirdagh Cantor's point system for all Sith Order Battleteams

This competition has been instituted into Galthain by DJK Dark Hawk. I would like to say that he did a fanatastic job on this. Although the summit will be reviewing the submissions, DH is basically in charge of this competition. If you have any questions, ask him! I can't possibly do justice to his word document in here without making this email too large. So, I'll post the basics:

Competition missions:

XWA-FREE #61: http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=743

TIE-FREE #142: http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=485

XvT-FREE #51: http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=649

Initial Competitions:

DJK Darkhawk vs. JH Isis Entar

PRT TK-2107 vs. JH Vessicant

PRT AshMaster vs. SW ZysFryar

SW Arso Slyth vs. DJK Talon Jade

PRT Mark Schueler vs JH Josh Popelka

JH Indaro Gallia vs. ACO Talon Astruar

Submissions for the first round are due: Sunday, November 17th, 2002.

Scoring method: Percent high score

High Scores being used:

XWA-FREE #61: 30,619

TIE-FREE #142: 107,690

XvT-FREE #51: 28,260

Final Round Awards:

Emerald Star (Cr-1E) 1st Place

Topaz Star (Cr-1T) 2nd Place

Quartz Star (Cr-1Q) 3rd Place

Single Player Ladder

The assigned battles are as follows:

TIE-FCHG #2: http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=588

XvT-IW #30: http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=692

XWA-TC #8: http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=411

High Scores being used:

TIE-FCHG #2: 681,109

XvT-IW #30: 181,534

XWA-TC #8: 122,032

Send them to me and Bobxavi Sunday (tomorrow) night sometime. The results will be released on Monday. I will choose new battles (just three again) sometime this weekend or when the results are released. I've only had a little participation so far, so, hopefully the weekend will cash in a few more pilot files!

Open Challenge

As outlined by DJK DarkHawk:

What is the House Open Challenge? This is where any member of the house can challenge ANY another member to a Single player (Free Missions) match of the challengers choice. The person who is challenged cannot decline, (unless there is a highly valid reason as to why they cannot accept and must be approved by the house) and must accept the challenge. Any and all platforms can be used, XwA, Xvt/BoP, TIE. Since not all members own all three platforms, the challenger must pick from all three platfroms, and we will use SMB Pyralis's percentage system to grade it.

All challenges must be cced to your CMDR's and the House. After a challenge is made you have 5 days to complete the mission. Send your files in to DJK Bobxavi, and SBM Pyralis, along with your CMDR. Challenges can start as of today.

So there it is simple easy and allot of fun. I would have to assume that the winners of each challenge will have their name in lights within the House report each week. So fire up those Ions and set your sites on another member. Good Luck.....and may the challenges begin.

Any questions please contact DJK DarkHawk or DJK Bobxavi and SBM Pyralis.

House Galthain versus House Tridens of Tarentum

I've still been speaking with QUA of Tridens: Mukrow Defender about the competition. We have agreed the competition will include at least Single Player and there will be one free mission from each platform assigned. People can submit to all of the game platforms if they want, but only the highest % score will count. MP has not been decided yet - and since I haven't received input from Galthain, we may not be doing multiplayer. The competition will start sometime in the middle of next week. Keep your heads up and send any suggestions for this competition to myself and DJK Bobxavi!

May darkness guide you...


SBM Pyralis (Sith)/QUA/Galthain of Satal Keto


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