Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Dominatus: Report #53


  • Recruit, we need more people!

  • Take part in as many competitions as you can (see below)


Please see the following links for the latest news on the Order and the Brotherhood in general:



House News:

*And this week we have...all the same old.There are incountable projects moving so if you are interested in participating do let us know

*RM is still vacant if again anyone is interested


*Krath Monthly Topic:

Fiction: Ray of Light

Format: .doc, .txt, .rtf

Due by: 11.59pm, 30th November

Krath Monthly Poem: Honour

Format: .doc, .txt, .rtf

Due by: 11.59pm, 30th November

Genre: Any - you choose!

Be sure to CC myself and Bant on your submissions.

Krath Monthly Run-on: An old city has been discovered in a desert of a remote planet. A team from your House is sent there to investigate it, but whilst they are there a memberof the team is murdered/dies in suspicious circumstances. There is a possibility that this has been carried out by infiltration by rival Houses/Clans. Investigate the death, ever mindful of the dangers you face on a possibly hostile world.

Format: .doc, zipped; QUA/AED of House should submit

Due by: 11.59pm, 30th November

Rules: As determined by Quaestor or Aedile - submissions should be zipped in a Word document before submission however.

*Krath Combat Operations:http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=18

*House Competition: none at the moment

*Phyle Competition:it's not a competition,it's an activity.2 posts per week is all that is asked.Keeps going despite KAP Khan's LoA


KAP Bant:

*AED usual stuff

KAP Khan,Tetrarch:

*on LoA

KP Jacob van Nowak:

*nothing this week

DJK Paradox:


JH Andronicus:


JH Chamberlain:

*returned from LoA

GRD Clara Icewolf:

*on undetermined LoA due illness

NOV Desann:

*saw his tranfer request to House Ronin approved though he is still on our roster

Rollmaster Report


Praetorious Report

KE Aseret(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak

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