Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

This will be my last report as TET of Hells Gatekeepers. I have been the TET for quite some time now and I feel it is time to give someone else a chance. It was alot of fun leading all of you and I look forward to helping the new leader to make this phyle great. If anyone is applying for the position you would need to send apps. to the QUA and AED. I would also like you to CC me so I could take a look if you would be so kind. Well in anycase on with the news.



Fiction: Ray of Light

Format: .doc, .txt, .rtf

Due by: 11.59pm, 30th November

Poetry: Honour

Format: .doc, .txt, .rtf

Due by: 11.59pm, 30th November

Genre: Any - you choose!


Be sure you submit to the Master Student Comp. if you are signed up for that as well!


Only one this week but really well deserved!

KP Timeros

Medal: Crescent w/ Ruby Star

Krath monthly Topic 1st (thats right 1st) place. Alright Timeros!

Upcoming Events

Nothing planned at this time.

Current Roster

Tetrarch Korbane Ashoka

Pontifex Gilkane

Epis Alex

Priest Timeros Caesus Entar

Priest Kedara

Dark Jedi Knight Leara

Acolyte Nateesha

Report By

KAP Korbane Ashoka (Krath)/P:CHAN-TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona [KSOE: CC2]



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