Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


Sith Warrior Astix reporting for Battleteam Pandragon Squadron, 14/11/02.


Firstly, two appologies. (1) that this report is late, and (2) that I completely forgot about the training night on Sunday. I was busy doing some IW work and it sailed straight past me. Sooo:

Melee flying practise, this coming Sunday, 10pm GMT. I'll be there, promise :-P

Not much going on at the minute, in the kind of pre-GJW lull. Let's not get complacent, everyone try and do a bit this coming week.


Minkus and X both still on leave


Updated. Thanks, CTX.


All recieved


(Short format, as once again my computer ballsed-up and lost my emails.)

Everyone reported in in one form or another. There's been a spot of TC flying from a few people, while I've had my hands full with IW work- this should be gone very shortly.

Lotta 'dragons been on IRC, well done folks.

Again, sorry about the short, late, report- but it's just a quick patch, and things'll be back to normal next week.

In darkness,

SW Astix(Sith)/CMDR/Hoo of Arcona


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