A less eventful week, but this report is just as important!...
Obelisk Battlemaster Mage
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy
OBM Mage (Obelisk)/HM/Dark Council
1) Shadow Academy Upgrade Progress
My project continues at a good pace. Material correction is basically complete - a lot of it is only in my head, and not in documented form, but it's mostly done. Once my template is complete (glares at coder), the new site will be ready to roll! :)
Phase One - Unknown (in progress)
Phase Two - 75%
Phase Three - 25%
Phase Four - Not yet begun
2) Shadow Academy Staff
I am still accepting applications for Magistrate, Course Teacher, and Combat Instructor...
This week, however, as I said, marks the announcement of my Praetor! After careful consideration from a number of qualified personnel, I have selected Sith Battlemaster Pyralis as my Praetor. Congratulations, Pyro!
Anyone who wishes to have their Praetor application re-applied to Magistrate, please let me know ASAP.
3) Mini-Projects
For a special project that I'm hard at work on, I'm hoping to find some JK/JK2 level editors. Rewards are, of course, an option. ;)
If I can't find DB editors, I may be forced to go to public people, and beg nicely.
4) As usual, any and all email is welcome. I don't breath fire, and I don't shoot lightning out of my arse, and... well, you get the picture. :P
And, as usual...
5) Graduate Report
My total graduate count is now 254. Obelisk CORE is the most passed course, with 71 graduates, and Krath CORE is the least passed, with 5 graduates. On that note, go take Obelisk CORE, and help it clear 100. :P
That'll be all for now... random updates to follow...
Obelisk Battlemaster Mage
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy
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