Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings my sisters and brothers

another week over it's strange how fast they pass. There aren't much news. No promos or medals this week.

The monthly topic is still running I know of one member who sent something in. Please forward entries to comps to me as well.

Dont forget about our Phyle comp it ends next week. I have 2 entries yet and I want more entries :P

I plan another comp too it will start right after this one and end in December. I also heard of some stuff the Qua and Aed are planing so we can be all exciting I am sure it is a great thing.

I am stil working on the website so dont worry if it still looks a bit fuzzy and strange.

That's it for the week dont forget to mail me entries to comps and also other stuff if you like :)

Rage Akaido

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