Sith High Warrior Report


Sith High Warrior Report

Sith Order Report:

Greetings everyone, and welcome to an all new report!.. or something. I'm feeling a wee bit insane right now, as I just dropped $100 on Christmas gifts for my parents... for some dumb reason... anyways, onto the news and stuff.

1) Lots of questions have been getting fielded to me about various things in the Sith Order, the greatest of these recently, is the Sith Industrial Points programme. Well I'll be releasing a news post on this a little later, to explain in more details about this. Just so everyone knows, I need QUAs to make sure their battleteams are up to date on I've recently just updated access lists, so you should have what you need. If you want to delete a battleteam, you need to email me.

2) SHW Staff: I have removed everyone but Hades for the time being. There's going to be a good shaking up of the Sith Order, in the fact that where I've tried to run everything myself, I know that time has come and gone, and I need to spread the responsibility around. Therefore, I'll also be posting application information for as many Magistrates as I may need.

3) Sith Squadron League, Season Two: Battlelord Hades is currently working on this right now, so Squadron Commanders, Quaestors, and Aediles, start pumping your people up. Pandragon, you guys had best be ready to defend your title :)

4) Sith Academy: I am going to have some serious discussions with Headmaster Mage concerning this shortly, and hopefully, we'll be able to get some things worked out that I was mostly too selfish and pig-headed to see earlier. As it stands, we're going sort of slow on this for the time being, oh well. I'll keep everyone posted.

5) Congrats to the new DGM... and stuff... :P

6) Ideas, Comments, Questions, Gripes, All out Flaming: Please email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. I need to know what you guys want to do, before I can do it.

-SHW Keirdagh Cantor

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