Consul Report


Consul Report

Clan Naga Sadow | 17th November 2002 | Report #13

...Heirs to the Empire...

Announcements from the Office of Consul Zorrixor

My sincerest appologies for the lack of any official reports from myself for the past fortnight. Though I've managed to check my email every day or two, and keep on IRC a bit, the plays have truely taken their toll and I've had a lot of nights where I've just come home and fallen asleep straight away...

Anyhow, thats all over....for another year at least, so I'm back around, to find quite a lot has changed in my absence. Theres far too much to sum up in Brotherhood wide news I guess, and you all ready anyway, so I won't drone on about things too much...

My congratulations extend to Dark Jedi Master Mairin Astoris on her appointment to the position of Deputy Grand Mistress, I'm sure we can expect good things from her. Its nice also to see a past member of Naga Sadow in the position of DGM, so that too is a good thing, we may be small, but we've got a strong spirit.

Its a bit worrying right now that we're without two Order Leaders, but I'm sure this will right itself soon enough, a reminder to you all that they are open for applications, so if you've got what it takes go and read FF/Mai's reports to find out what criteria you need to apply.

Lastly my congratulations go to Sith Warlord Tarkin on his recent promotion, first a ship and now a promotion, Arcona has done well from our recent Feud. As much as it may not be our own Clan, its nice to see our work in getting it up and running and marked and what-not hasn't gone unnoticed and that those involved have been awarded.

Resignation of Commander Crix of Sapphire Squadron

It saddens me to say that Sapphire have lost their Commander almost as soon as they recieved it, for Crix has transfered to Ronin to take command of Sentinel Squadron.

Allow me to bring up two points on this matter though, Crix has not been in the Clan, so I can't target him too directly for these problems for he was not informed about such things, however, as a general thing, let me remind you all....

Summit members applying for jobs outside of CNS MUST inform their superiors first.

Its a rather simple thing, and its all done for the wellbeing of the Brotherhood, as now, after just getting settled, we've forgotten all our other CMDR apps, by forgotten I mean, let them go away and probably get jobs elsewhere, when Crix may have applied for the job a few weeks ago. This now leaves HLK in a poor state without a CMDR, with confusion and heaven knows what else, this is not something I need deal with, for its something that I expect Summit members to have the common sense to avoid happening...saddly in this case its happened...

As I said, I can't target Crix for this as he probably didn't know our policies, but still...let me reimind you all, those that don't do what they say they'll do will have a letter sent to their new leaders detailing my concerns about their treatment of their members and their abilities as a leader. If you just pack up and leave, you don't care about your members, you're clearly in it for your own good, such a person isn't a good leader, such things will be made clear to their new Summit.

On top of this, the position came with something like a 4 month minimum requirement, if I state 4 months, I mean 4 months...if you apply and don't expect to give 4 months then don't apply. Its as simple as that. If after you apply problems occur, then...well...TELL ME. I'm not omnipresent, I don't know everything, I can't run this Clan if I'm not told things in advance of their happening...

Taldryan-Alvaak Feud

I need to contact the two CONs involved in this to find out where they've got in my abscence, as do I need to talk to the new DGM to find out when this upcoming GJW is going to be. So mainly, it's not going to be next week, but it should be appologies again for these delays, unfortunately, as strange as it may be for me to say it, I do have a RL at the moment, as I do have other commitments in the world, so I'm afraid I can't work on it 24/7 like usual, so it may be a few weeks still.

Clan Website

Well Arion's laptop died, so he's back to the drawing board in a way, won't be long though, hopefully within a fortnight tops I recon.

Activity Systems Review

Seeing as how I've had play rehearsals every Sunday, I've had little time to get anything down on paper for this, so it'll have to wait until next week.

Project Status Report

Clan Website - Complete (I'm saying complete for it is, its really just the getting it online thats taking time)

Activity Systems Review - 60%

Clan Feud with Taldryan and Alvaak - 60%

Status Update on the Elite Black Guard

Lord Consul Xanos Zorrixor

Lord Proconsul Arion Sunrider

Lord Primus Kant Lavar

Demi-Precentor Carl Lost

Adeptus DujHoD

Inceptor Darkwolf

Inceptor Scithe

Inceptor Kant Lavar

Inceptor GhostAngel

Inceptor Jaguar

Inceptor Tomaas Banys

Inceptor Zacfer

Inceptor Raistlin

House News Foreword

Well its good to see the reports have continued to come out despite that mine havn't, so in a way its very nice to see everybody does their job even without me shouting at them, so thats a good thing to know.

Proconsul - Has been on leave

Ludo Kressh -

Primus Goluud -

Marka Ragnos -

Concluding words from the Consul

Thats all I've got to say really to conclude the past two weeks, not a lot has happened in all truth, well, publically. Theres a lot of behind the scenes Consular-type work happening between something of an unofficial convocation of AoC type proporitons between Consuls set to see some major changes occur, the results of which I hope we start to see this or next week, so look forward to a good Christmas season in the DB, Feud, GJW and all....

In Service to the Brotherhood,

Lord Consul Zorrixor

Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Governor Plenipotentiary of Sif

= Lord Consul, Battlelord Zorrixor, Admiral of the Imperial Navy =

  • SBL Xanos Goatham Zorrixor (Sith)/CON/Naga Sadow


  • RSV/AD Xanos Goatham Zorrixor/M-FRG Pheonix/Reserves

  • GS/SS/BSx8/PCx5/ISMx18 [LGNR]  
  • MoI-BC/MoT-2rh-6gh/LoC-PSx33/DFC/MoC-1SoC 1GoC  
  • CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-3E  


  • [Officer-4th] [XA-A] [AoT-001]

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