Nightshade Battleteam
Report #12
Week ending Thursday November 21
Commander: DJK Jaron Kai
- House Caliburnus Ladder Comepetition has been approved, check your inbox for details! I will be awarding two Squad Fly-Off points for each match flown, MP or SP, regardless of whether you win or lose, you fly, you get those points! So let's get out there and compete!
- It's nearing the end of the month, and if I don't see more Squad Fly-Off participation, I will not be awarding medals, lets get come flying in, the new HCL gives you a great oppurtunity!
- House Flying Comp and Trivia are ongoing, the House Comp can now earn us industrial points, so I need as many of you to fly as possible so we can get some awesome new ships!
- As of this moment, I'm conducting a sort of AWOL check, I want EVERYONE in the squad to e-mail me and tell me where you stand. If you're busy, fine, tell me so I know that you've got RL to deal with. If you're going on leave, tell me that too, then I won't bug you =). Also, if you are under DJK,
please tell me who your master is.
DJK Jaron Kai - Flew TIE-FM#25 and something else, that I've forgotten, stupid lack of TC e-mails
SW Zekk Terrik - IRC Contact
ACO EHDarkshadow - Computer exploded, should be back soon
GRD Yun - No contact
PRT Josepy Kilrath - No Contact
JH Phoenix - No Contact
GRD Bizzare - AIM Contact
PRT Diedre Varn - Possibly still on leave...
None this week
- Catchy name, eh? Anyway, each mission you fly, and each CF you earn counts for one point. Any submissions for House Flying Comp count double! The person with the most points earns a Emerald Star , second place gets an Topaz Star, third gets a Quartz Star. Competition runs from November 1st to November 30th!
House Flying Comp - Fly XvT-FREE 21, XWA-FREE 65, TIE-FREE 137, zip the pilot files and send them to myself, Kane Reese and Zekk Terrik by November 10th. Awards are:
1st-Sapphire Star
2nd-Emerald Star
3rd-Topaz Star
Diedre Varn - 2 Points
Fly for the House Flying Comp, and Squad Fly-Off, and participate in House Trivia
Do other active things, send e-mails, get on IRC, write a fic, do a graphic, etc...
Contact me at least once a week!
Submitted by:
DJK Jaron Kai (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae
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