22 November 2002
Another week down and activity is slowly increasing. I'll take one-by-one if I have to, I'd rather that I was overwhelmed with activity reports, but alas, I cannot force people to participate. There are still competitions stirring in these last days of November, so there is still hope...
Weekly Activity
JH TK-7764; MML2; Grant of Arms Submission
GRD Dalthid; MML2; AED Warning Label Comp. Submission; Krath Combat Center ("The demented ring fish fest" v KE Tronsta); JK2 (gettin' better!!!); Updates to the SotN Page; Watched Episode II ten times already since it came out on DVD :)
NOV Dimitri Oberyst; Monthly Poetry Comp. Submission; AED Warning Label Comp. II Submission; DB Profile; KCC Character Sheet (someone challenge this guy).
DA Orso; Nothing Reported (server still down?)
GRD Minerva Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez; Nothing Reported
ACO Jagged Fel; Nothing Reported
ACO Acklay; Nothing Reported
Awards & Promotions
GRD TK-7764 to Jedi Hunter.
Read the News
AED Warning Label Comp II
Ray of Light - Krath Monthly Fiction Comp (check the DB news)
Honor - Krath Monthly Poetry Comp (check the DB news)
MSC3 - If you are enrolled in the Master Student Comp. Be sure you are doing what you need to so you don't leave your teammate hangin'.
-- Multiplayer Combat Chambers in progress.
MML2 The second mystery has been posted out. Take a guess anything is better than nothing.
-- Aleema is in 3rd so far
JK2 Tournaments - Open to All DB (Check the news page for details)
Dalthids Corner:
SotN has a web page:
There is a Graphics submission area, it counts as activity if youre a doodler on the PC and do something SW related send it to me Ill put it up. Also, send any fiction, poetry or any imaginative writing, Im working on a Fiction section too, but let me know you want to put it up (it can be submissions from previous comps)!!!!
If you are feeling like a fight, but want to have fun. A small "trend" has been started in the Krath Combat Center for the most ridiculous settings, rules and weapons. There are no awards or medals for it, it's just fun to be stupid once in a while....oh, and TK....I'm coming, I will take the challenge when I get a second.
The universe is filled with wondrous things waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
GRD Dalthid (Krath)/TET/Aleema of Satal Keto
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