22nd November, 2002
Krath Archpriest Khaen
[:: NEWS ::]
Unfortunately, KP Timbal has decided to retire from the DB. Timbal has been in Drynwyn's Flame since almost the very beginning, and has helped to build up our elite reputation. Not only that, he's one of the surviving old guard of House Acclivis Draco. Bye dude, and good luck in whatever you do after this...
Only like a day or two to go on the run-on. Thanks for making that post Titus.. we'll have to wrap it up, the two of us, as Chaos Angel is having computer troubles.
-KP Timbal transferred to Rogues
-KAP Khaen awarded Cluster of Fire (CF) x3
Dark Allegiance Phase III is drawing to a close. It's at http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2247 so wrap it up!
Waiting for our third scenario before continuing with the MMLII.
Nothing! :D
Krath Archpriest; Drynwyn's Flame Tetrarch Khaen
KAP Khaen (Krath)/TET/House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae
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