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JH VinDoros Reporting in for HammerHead Battleteam November 23rd 2002
<div align="left">Greetings HammerHead Squadron!</div> <div align="left"> </div> <div align="left">News:</div> <div align="left">**** </div> <div align="left">Ok, the Tridens vs. Galthain Comp is on! Details in the Competitions Section. Qua Murkow Defender having some leg problems. Between that and his laptop battery problems, this boy could use some good luck. Somebody send him a Lucky Ewok Foot or somethin! </div> <div align="left"> </div> <div align="left">I ran an AWOL check this last week. The only one who didn't respond was ACO Shai. MD, please remove him from the Roster ASAP. Let's make room for people who wanna be part of this battleteam. </div> <div align="left"> </div> <div align="left">Awards/Promos:</div> <div align="left"> </div> <div align="left">None this week, but with the two comps goin on, some are gonna be awarded soon, I think ;)</div> <div align="left"> </div> <div align="left"> <div align="left">Competitions:</div> <div align="left"> </div> <div align="left">Let's pay attention, people! **We have two comps going at the moment. I want 100% participation, and the same amount of effort. Between these two comps there are only **Six Missions **to be flown. That's the equivalent of **ONE Battle. I've had a submission for each comp so far, but haven't seen anything from the rest of you. Let's get crackin' people. </div> <div align="left"> </div> <div align="left">Comp #1: **! We're flying a comp against Shadow Squadron from the Infiltrator Wing! This runs till the end of November, so there's no excuses for not flyin. The due date on these is **Saturday, November 30th, and I want these by 18:00 EST. The XWAF 44 Mission can be difficult. If anyone wants hints/tips, email me. <div>Tie-F#120</div> <div>XvT-F#102 **</div> <div>XWA-F#44*</div> <div> </div> <div>Comp #2: **Tridens vs. Galthain comp is on! This comp counts for industrial points for us. I don't know about the rest of you, but I sure don't wanna be flying a Tie Interceptor for the rest of my Dark Brotherhood Career. We need a minimum of **33% **participation in this. I'd get an extrememly large Force Chubby, if we can get **100%*!</div> <div>Details:</div> <div> <div>You can fly on all games and your best % of high score will count.</div> <div>Missions and Comp Details are Located here: http://www25.brinkster.com/sithimperium/details.asp?id=36</div> <div> <div> </div></div> <div>To find the winning house points will be awarded based on percentage of high score and the team with most points wins. The system is:</div>
<span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">1 pt
for getting 15% of the high score</span><span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">
2 pt for getting 30% of the high score</span><span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">
3 pt for getting 45% of the high score</span><span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">
4 pt for getting 60% of the high score</span><span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">
5 pt for getting 75% of the high score</span><span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">
6 pt for getting 90% of the high score</span><span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">
8 pt for getting 100% or more of the high score</span>
pilots with the highest % of high score will be awarded
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">
<div align="left">Activity:</div>
<div align="left">**** </div>
<div align="left">JH VinDoros</div>
<div align="left">CMDR Stuff, working on revamping the
HammerHead Webpage, working on M/S Comp, had to RETAKE(for what reason i'm not
sure) the Sith:Core Exam, flew all all comp missions for HH vs Shadow, flew XWAF
Mission for Tridens vs. Galthain, active on email and irc</div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">DJK John Clark</div>
<div align="left">irc contact, submitted XvTF102 for HH
vs. Shadow Comp, Completed Sith Basic Studies Course</div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">ACO Shai</div>
<div align="left">NO Contact-To be removed from
<div align="left">**** </div>
<div align="left">PRT Anthol</div>
<div align="left">email and irc contact, submitted XWAF
and XvTF for Tridens vs. Galthain comp</div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">GRD Praetorian</div>
<div align="left">email, and irc contact, on leave for a
couple of days</div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">GRD Kettch</div>
<div align="left">irc contact, working on some 3D
<div align="left">**** </div>
<div align="left">
<div align="left">Final Thought: </div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">I know everyone's busy, and doing all
kinds of RL stuff. But for promos and awards, activity is very important. For
the most part, i'm pleased with the activity i've seen in HammerHead since i've
become the Battleteam Commander. And most of you are easy to contact, which I
believe to be very important. Fly for the comps, let's try to rekindle the
runon. MD shouldn't be the only one to post and keep that active. Also, i'm
interested in anyones ideas concerning Comp Names. Insead of just saying that
"I'm running a flying comp, go do it!" I'd like to have a name to go with the
comps. Something like: "The Force Lightning Zapping Bash"...just an idea.
Everyone have an excellent weekend. :)</div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">
<div align="left">Important Links:</div>
<div align="left">**** </div>
<div align="left">HammerHead Homepage:</div>
<div align="left">http://www.geocities.com/myrlyn29/HammerHead.html</div>
<div align="left">Office of the Sith High Warrior:</div>
<div align="left">http://www.sithorder.org/</div>
<div align="left">Shadow Academy:</div>
<div align="left">http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/</div>
<div align="left">Temporary Battle Center:</div>
<div align="left">http://www.drakenet.tk/</div>
<div align="left">EH Message Boards:</div>
<div align="left">http://www.ehnet.org/mb/</div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">
<div align="left">That's it for this week. </div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">"Evil is only a matter of perspective."</div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<</div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">**CMDR/CM VinDoros/Vampire/Wing XI/ISD
**JH VinDoros (Sith)/CMDR/Tridens of
**FL/CPT VinDoros/Knight 3-1/Wing III/MC-90 Warspite/IW/EH
[IW-GRD:Tactical Specialist(LGM)]</div></div></div></div></div></div>
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