Hex Phyle Weekly Report #11
November 23, 2002
Tetrarch's Two Cents
Alright, big time changes this week....ok, maybe not that big time, but still pretty big :P
The HoA Phyle of the House was shut down. Betja and Aragorn decided that instead of having three pretty empty phyles, we'd have two pretty full ones. So Blade and Shade moved to Phoenix Phyle, and we get Marcus Taeleon and Reaper MacDougall. Welcome!
However, this messes up stuff for the feud. For the duration of the feud, the members of HoA are still considered members of that phyle. Afterwards, they can then "officially" join us. Does this make sense? No? Good...me neither :P
I'm seriously bummed, even irked...at the participation rate for the Phyle Run-on. To get counted, points-wise, in the run-on, you need to post three times: Xander has posted three times, I have posted twice (will be three before I submit), and Ahriman has posted only once. The deadline is tomorrow! I would be personally grateful if as many of you as possible could post ASAP!
Welcome to KP Reaper MacDougall and NOV Marcus Taeleon, transferred from HoA Phyle.
Phase Three!!!
House Run-on (http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2563)
Submissions to the Dark Voice...just don't forget to CC me!
DJK Coranel Both (TET)--was on #taldryan and #ektrosis, worked on Phyle RO (or will soon...shush Xander :P); and earned a medal! Go me!
GRD Vance Farahl (Tyro)--not much contact this week...go post please! :)
GRD Face Loran (Tyro)--was on #taldryan and #ektrosis some...comeon and post on the RO!
NOV Marcus Taeleon (Tyro)--made a cameo appearance on #ektrosis, and was in email contact.
KP Reaper MacDougall (Tyro)--been on irc as much as me. And scored a medal!
DJK Ahriman'sabaoth (Tyro)--made an appearance on #taldryan; posted on the RO! Please post again, and I'll be a happy TET :P
GRD Xander Drax (Tyro)--got promoted to GRD. Cheers!!! You're gonna get DJK too fast :P
The following Medal Request has been approved.
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: DJK Coranel Both (Krath)
The following Medal Request has been approved.
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: KP Reaper MacDougall (Krath)
The following request has been approved:
Recommendation for: Xander Drax (Krath)
Old Rank: Protector (PRT)
New Rank: Guardian (GRD)
Dark Jedi Knight Coranel Both
DJK Coranel Both (Krath)/TET/Ektrosis of Taldryan
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