While most, if not all, of the Clans of the Brotherhood use the Master/Student program to train new recruits and introduce them to the inner-workings of their Houses, Clans, and Orders, few know where and why this system was conceived.
This program was part of the elite Krath House of Acclivis Draco. From there, it rapidly spread into other Clans and Houses as a staple in their curricula. However, until now, many entities-people, Clans-have claimed the honor of creating this system. Today, my Dark Brethren, I come to tell you that those people have more than likely played you false. It was through the efforts of Michael Halcyon that we have this program in its current form. And today, these efforts are formally awarded.
By general consent of myself, Chancellor Pharaun Illistyn, Grand Master Firefox and Consul Cuchulain, a Ruby Sceptre is hereby awarded to Michael Halcyon for the creation and implementation of the Master/Student Program. Let no other Brotherhood member take credit for this program, for it is Michael that the Dark Council recognizes as the program's creator. Anyone found saying otherwise will be dealt with most harshly.
Congratulations once again, Michael!
<table><tr><td></td><td valign="top">Shadow Adept/Pontifex Pharaun "Shadonyx" Illistyn
Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood
Editor-in-Chief of the Dark Voice
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