well, not much to report this week, so its gonna be pretty much short and sweet..and since mordin resigned Dark Avatar SGT, PRT Shaithis is the new
SGT of Dark Avatar Brigade..also, thanksgiving thursday so i want all you guys to grub it hardcore on thursday and enjoy the day off =P
well, if you dont know by now it means you havent been reading my reports or been on IRC, but the brigade wars have started and they end in 3 days
http://www.dinaari.org/brigadewars/ is the website for it, you guys might wanna go check that out to see whos winning and such, and help your brigade
to win the brigade wars, secondly sharads "recruitment poster GFX thing in which you make recruitment posters" comp is still going on, so all you have
to do is make a recruitment poster and send that to him and get a medal, how simple is that..
no joins or parts this week..
no promos this week either..
CG - 3 CF's
Shaithis - 2 CF's
DB - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/
Dinaari - http://www.dinaari.org/
Dark Fire Brigade - http://www.dinaari.org/darkfire/
Dark Infantry Elite - Under Construction
Dark Avatar Brigade - Under Construction
basically the same as always.. get too many numbers by your name and your screwed =P
Dinaari Roster Currently at 29.
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