Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


29th November, 2002

Krath Archpriest Khaen

[:: NEWS ::]

-- Everybody welcome Lan back to the elite phyle! This isn't really news to anyone, as it happened the day my last report went out, but I have to include it anyway. Lan has settled back in just fine, good on ya mate.

-- Also welcome Guardian.. err.. Jedi Hunter Xyler (I'm not typing out that whole damn name.. it's longer than a bloody Victorian-era novel :P). He just joined DF a few seconds ago (really!) and will hopefully prove his worth as an elite tyro in the last phase of Dark Allegiance (see the Competitions section).


--KP al'Lan Mandragoran entered Drynwyn's Flame from the Rogues

--JH Xyler transferred to Drynwyn's Flame from Ebon Cloak


-- Some good discussion has taken place over the HAD yahoogroup about this week's Murder Mystery League scenario. We've decided on a culprit.. You know, Mrs. Person Guy Thing. Highly secretive!

-- Dark Allegiance Phase 4 started yesterday. The details are below:


PHASE 4: The Final Battle - Attacking the sixth chamber: 2 page essay (individual!)

[25 pts based on grammar etc (5), originality and interest holding (10), quality of story (10)]


You can also refresh your memory on things at Please get started on this immediately! Any questions can be directed to me, Mejas, or Betja (whoever you can find!).

Krath Archpriest; Drynwyn's Flame Tetrarch Khaen

KAP Khaen (Krath)/TET/House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae


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