Well the first week is over and I managed to keep my Inbox from imploding in on itself. Checking email every hour may seem pathetic but gets the job done. ;) Every other hour maybe, hehe. So without further adieu, here we go...
1) I'd like to, once again, thank everyone for their encouragement and support. Bare with me as I adjust to my new duties, as there seems to be so many! Remember I am hear to serve the Krath and the Brotherhood. As I've mentioned to many this past week, please use my services to their fullest capabilities.
2) The new Krath website was opened this week. In it, the KCC and Krath site are integrated into one, making the new Krath page your one-stop-shopping experience for all things Krath! Once again, mega thanks to CyberGuy and Jam3z for their excellent work. Krath site can be found at:
3) If you have not done so, and some have not, please add me to all official Krath house email lists, egroups, etc. I'd like to see first hand what's going on down in the frontlines.
4) The final battle in the KCC ladder has been announced...Arion vs Timeros! Good luck guys!
5) Hopefully Timeros will survive his fight with Arion because when he is all done he will have to get back to his newest duty, Combat Master of the KCC! Gratz bro, and again, good luck in the ladder battle!
6) Thanks for all those CONs and PCONs and that checked in with me and told me a little about themselves. If you have not yet done so, please send me a short email about yourself so I can get to know you a bit. It's much easier to deal with so many names and Clans when one can put a face to the name.
Overall activity has been solid. Keep up the good work, everyone. That is all...
KHP Tronsta
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