Headmaster Report


Headmaster Report



"I'm not dead yet!"

This week's announcements are large and in charge, so read on!... ;)


Obelisk Battlemaster Mage

Headmaster of the Shadow Academy

OBM Mage (Obelisk)/HM/Dark Council



1) Project "Make The Shadow Academy Better"

This just keeps getting more bizarre, doesn't it? I've now got current Sith Tactics grader SW MacDougall working away on a template for the new SA site. In addition, EH Internet Officer Ari is supposedly hunting down a coder for me... huzzah.

Material correction bumbles on... our basic plans are in place, now it's just a matter of making hard copies.

2) Shadow Academy Staff

This week, the full staff in all its glory is revealed. Somebody, give me a drum roll, please!

Your full Shadow Academy staff (not the final edit, necessarily)!:

P:HM - SBM Pyralis

M:HM - OW Dagger

M:HM - GRD freshjive

CT -

Phase One - KP Cymbre Kall

Phase Two Krath - KAP Anshar

Phase Two Obelisk - OW Gelton Torr

Phase Two Sith - SBM Pyralis

Leadership Studies - KPN Troutrooper

Krath CORE - KP ^CyberGuy^ Praseodymium Entar

Obelisk CORE - OBM Mage

Sith CORE - SBL Reaper

Krath Grammar Studies - Ciara Tearnan

Sith Flight Studies I (ISET) - SW Malik

Sith Flight Studies II (ESET) - SW Malik

Sith Tactics - Reaper MacDougall

CI -

SW Brian (Sith)

SW Darkfinn (Sith)

SW Arso Slyth (Sith)

PRT Shaithis (Obelisk)

GRD Obscurus (Obelisk)

DJK Reza (Obelisk)

DJK Selket Isis Entar (Krath)

TBA (Krath)

TBA (Krath)

As you can see, I reduced the number of Combat Instructors to half the original number - and even at that, I need more people. If you're interested in filling a TBA slot, mail me!

3) GJW

Well, we have a new OHC... but, even at that, I somehow expect I'm still going to end up working on this... mostly considering the plot and some of the major features are my babies... :P

If anybody out there has ANY JK/JK2 level editing skills, we need to know, and we need to know now. Otherwise, we're gonna be forced to... forced to... oh, screw it, it will suck, no matter what we're forced to do, so just help! :P

4) Again, any and all email is welcome. I don't breath fire, and I don't shoot lightning out of my arse, and... well, you get the picture. :P

5) Graduate Report

My total graduate count is now 363. w00t. 'nuff said.

That'll be all for now... random updates to follow...

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<td>  Obelisk Battlemaster Mage

  Headmaster of the Shadow Academy</td></tr></table>

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