Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Harbinger Squadron Report

No 1


„h The squadron now stands at 5 members!

„h Shikie got a promotion! Congratz!

„h I will hopefully be running a competition to make a new Graphic for the squad!

„h Congratz to AED JH Tissaya Argat and QUE SW Daniel Goad! The new house summit has arrived!

„h I advise all of you to register for the KCC. Just because it is for the Krath, doesn¡¦t mean we can¡¦t do it. Plus, for every completed battle, you get 10 points! Register at

„h Go to to learn about the point system!

„h From now on, I expect to have all activity from you guys by Friday at the latest! Send me your stuff guys and earn a promotion!

„h The new squadron XO is¡K¡K¡K..Bryan!


„h Sith Commander Chris Cox: Wrote report, Flew XvTTC#10, #20 and #30, wrote fiction, participated in Tiss¡¦ Comp, got promoted to Protector (points: 199)

„h Sith Flight Member Qui Nero: MB, IRC active, participating in Tiss¡¦ Comp.(points:0)

„h Sith Flight Leader Bryan: IRC, Mail active, making new website. (points:20)

„h Sith Flight Member Koriel: Joined Harbinger, Welcome, I hope you have fun!

„h Sith Flight Leader Shikie: IRC, mail active, starting a new website(as well), got promoted to Protector, Congratz!


„h Acolyte Chris Cox ¡V Protector Chris Cox!

„h Acolyte Shikie ¡V Protector Shikie!


„h Train up, The Great Jedi War is coming!

„h Sign up for Tiss¡¦ comp and participate! You get points!

„h Try to go on #alvaak on undernet on irc once in a while.

„h Do something, I want to know if you are alive!


Battle Team Information:

House: Ronin



Failure is not in our creed... and it is not an option

Message Board:

Order: Sith


Protector Chris Cox [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Reports: | Sith Commander (23) |

Sith Commander: Chris Cox Protector

Sith Flight Member: Qui Nero Dark Jedi Knight

Sith Flight Member: TBA

Sith Flight Member: TBA

Sith Flight Leader: Bryan (XO) Protector

Sith Flight Member: Koriel Guardian

Sith Flight Member: TBA

Sith Flight Member: TBA

Sith Flight Leader: Shikie Protector

Sith Flight Member: TBA

Sith Flight Member: TBA

Sith Flight Member: TBA

In Darkness¡K


PRT Chris Cox (Sith)/CMDR/Ronin of Alvaak




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