Harbinger Squadron Report
No 1
h The squadron now stands at 5 members!
h Shikie got a promotion! Congratz!
h I will hopefully be running a competition to make a new Graphic for the squad!
h Congratz to AED JH Tissaya Argat and QUE SW Daniel Goad! The new house summit has arrived!
h I advise all of you to register for the KCC. Just because it is for the Krath, doesn¡¦t mean we can¡¦t do it. Plus, for every completed battle, you get 10 points! Register at http://www.minos.net/~krath/combat/page.php?page=home
h Go to http://www23.brinkster.com/goadsworld/house-ronin/jedi-trials.html to learn about the point system!
h From now on, I expect to have all activity from you guys by Friday at the latest! Send me your stuff guys and earn a promotion!
h The new squadron XO is¡K¡K¡K..Bryan!
h Sith Commander Chris Cox: Wrote report, Flew XvTTC#10, #20 and #30, wrote fiction, participated in Tiss¡¦ Comp, got promoted to Protector (points: 199)
h Sith Flight Member Qui Nero: MB, IRC active, participating in Tiss¡¦ Comp.(points:0)
h Sith Flight Leader Bryan: IRC, Mail active, making new website. (points:20)
h Sith Flight Member Koriel: Joined Harbinger, Welcome, I hope you have fun!
h Sith Flight Leader Shikie: IRC, mail active, starting a new website(as well), got promoted to Protector, Congratz!
h Acolyte Chris Cox ¡V Protector Chris Cox!
h Acolyte Shikie ¡V Protector Shikie!
h Train up, The Great Jedi War is coming!
h Sign up for Tiss¡¦ comp and participate! You get points!
h Try to go on #alvaak on undernet on irc once in a while.
h Do something, I want to know if you are alive!
Battle Team Information:
House: Ronin
Failure is not in our creed... and it is not an option
Message Board:
Order: Sith
Protector Chris Cox [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]
Reports: | Sith Commander (23) |
Sith Commander: Chris Cox Protector
Sith Flight Member: Qui Nero Dark Jedi Knight
Sith Flight Member: TBA
Sith Flight Member: TBA
Sith Flight Leader: Bryan (XO) Protector
Sith Flight Member: Koriel Guardian
Sith Flight Member: TBA
Sith Flight Member: TBA
Sith Flight Leader: Shikie Protector
Sith Flight Member: TBA
Sith Flight Member: TBA
Sith Flight Member: TBA
In Darkness¡K
PRT Chris Cox (Sith)/CMDR/Ronin of Alvaak
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