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**House Galthain of Clan Satal Keto
Quaestor: Sith Battlemaster Pyralis
Aedile: Sith Warrior Talon Jade **
November 30, 2002
It was nearly twilight on Desalmado. Pyralis gazed down from within one of the upper exposed pylons of the Dark Hall. The forest was dark. Guardian Josh Popelka and Acolyte Hawker trained outside the perimeter of the forest dueling in the arts of the Obelisk. There was a strong cold wind high above the surface. Pyralis smiled at its touch. Battlelord Ricardo stood at his side – a wise and powerful Jedi, he had invited Pyralis to this place high above the audience chamber this evening.
“Hear the forest, Master Pyralis…” Ricardo gestured below with his left hand.
Images of destruction, pain, and death ruled Pyralis brain in that moment. His trials there as a newcomer from the Emperor’s Hammer Strike Fleet were none to forget. Ordered to train in the dark forbidding forest of Desalmado by Adept Compton in the years past, he soon learned to fear them as many of the other unlucky predecessors. All who entered had never emerged…all except for Ricardo and Pyralis. They, like all of the others, were selected by the Dark Council to undergo their training their. The selection process was not random – for those who entered were thought to have had extraordinary powers. Some of their closest friends within the TIE Corps had died there – unfit for the challenge of survival presented to them. Now, the Dark Forest of Desalmado spoke to Pyralis…
“Lord, it whispers…” Pyralis spoke coarsely, in a state of deep meditation “it whispers in the language of the Sith…” Pyralis trailed off, hesitating…”it speaks my name. It calls for me…”
The sun had all but gone, the dark twilight and the emerging celestial heavens appeared. The wind blew stronger. The Journeymen and Yeomanry had all retreated to the Dark Hall. A darkness rolled over the ground, rolling in from the Dark Forest. It was thick as the morning fog after a force storm in the early dusk of Desalmado. But it was unknown to Pyralis. He had never seen this anomaly before. It clouded Pyralis’s mind. All he could think of was the Dark Forest and his trials as a Guardian coming to Desalmado from the Shadow Academy. The Dark Forest called…
“Then you must return…” resolved Battlelord Ricardo.
--No new people in the past week! But we do have the following prospective recruits:
--MSG Luke Morin of the Hammer’s Fist has joined the Brotherhood in his quest for unity with the Dark Side. Recruited by Delak, he will be joining House Galthain upon graduation from the Shadow Academy!
--APP Darknyte is still sifting through the sands, waiting for the powers on high to restore his rank of Protector. I REALLY hope you can join before the Tridens competition is over. Your presence in Galthain would be of great value!! Even if you don’t get PRT, at least graduate from Phase 1 and 2!! So you can be here! :P
--It has been made official. Sith Commander Talon Jade is now the official, full-time Aedile of House Galthain. So, official congrats and Kudos to Jade!
--Talon Jade is still the Interim Delphian commander! :P
--Small rearrangement in personnel
Delphian: http://darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/viewunit.asp?ID=33
DDD: http://darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/viewunit.asp?ID=32
--Hawker has been nominated the Project Administrator for the Galthain Battle Creation Team.
<font color="#FF0000">DJK Talon Jade --> SW Talon Jade</font>
Requested by: SBL Gord Darkonian (Sith)
Talon Jade has been an inspiration to House Galthain’s activity. Although never officially a house summit, I have been able to rely upon him as such ever since he has come to House Galthain. As a very experienced leader in the Emperor’s Hammer, very recently, he has brought forth some very fundamental ideas for institution into House Galthain that are ensured to spark activity and pride in the House. These activities include: Master/Apprentice system (different from the MSCIII crap), run-on/fiction suggestions, and a “Call to Arms” directly challenging the inactivity of House Galthain. As a CMDR, Jade has seen the motivation, assignment, and reward of his active FMs and FLs. I consider him my right hand man and his diligence, competence, and initiative must be rewarded. (btw, Jade… you passed my test with flying colors). – SBM Pyralis
On behalf of SBM Pyralis i'm requesting this promotion that i personally endorse! Talon is a highly active and dedicated member of our clan. This should serve as the ultimate award for his past deeds and a great motivation and inspiration to what we expect from him in the future. thank you! -SBL Gord Darkonian
<font color="#FF0000">NOV Hawker --> ACO Hawker</font>
Request by: SBM Pyralis (Sith)
Novice Hawker has been in this House for just under 30 hours and he has already completed ALL 3 platform assignments for this week's SP Ladder and ALL 3 free missions for the competition with House Tridens. His presence on IRC is overwhelming and I have seen only extraordinary work from him. This promotion HARDLY rewards him for his awesome work in House Galthain and if I could, I would promote him straight to Protector.
Congratulations to Sith Warior Talon Jade and Acolyte Hawker! Fantastic job to both of you!
<font color="#FF0000">Dark Cross (DC) – SW Zysfryar</font>
Requested by: SBM Pyralis
For playing 5 battles and 2 missions and his outstanding presence on IRC. This spurt of activity is unprecedented in Warrior Zysfryar since I have been QUA and this excellence in activity must be rewarded. Thank you.
Crescent w/ Sapphire Star (S) – SBM Pyralis
Requested by: SBM Pyralis
1st place House Galthain SP Ladder October/November Session - a Chancellor approved competition. Congrats!!
Crescent w/ Emerald Star (E) – GRD TK-2107
Requested by: SBM Pyralis (Sith)
2nd place House Galthain SP Ladder October/November Session - a Chancellor approved competition. Congrats!!
Crescent w/ Topaz Star (T) – JH Vessicant
Requested by: SBM Pyralis (Sith)
3rd place House Galthain SP Ladder October/November Session - a Chancellor approved competition. Congrats!!
Activity (from 11/24/02 to 11/30/02):
Moderate Activity – I would like to have seen a LOT more this week, but I realize this was a week of holiday for many US people. I’m VERY pleased to see one of our own Battlelords submitting a TFR for the Tridens comp – the score was quite impressive too!
SBL Ricardo:
GRD TK-2107:
XvT-DB 01
SW ZsyFryar:
Shadow Academy: DB Leadership Studies (Passed)
Shadow Academy: Sith PHASE 1 (Passed)
DJK DarkHawk:
Call for activity: Domi’s Disciples of Death
ACO Hawker:
Appointed as Battle Creation Team Project Administrator
Shadow Academy: DB Leadership Studies (Passed)
Shadow Academy: Sith Flight Studies I (Passed)
Shadow Academy: Sith Flight Studies II (Passed)
ACO Delak:
Delphian Squadron website (under heavy construction)
ACO Talon Astruar:
Employed for Graphics design of new Galthain Webpage.
SW Talon Jade:
Delphian Squadron Report
A REAL Master/Apprentice System :P
Conception of Intra-House Competition
PRT AshMaster:
XvT-DB 1
SBM Pyralis:
House Tridens Comp: XvT-FREE 06 Mission Walkthrough
Shadow Academy: Sith PHASE 1 (Passed)
Shadow Academy: Sith PHASE 2, Krath PHASE 2, Obelisk PHASE 2 (Passed)
Shadow Academy: DB Leadership Studies (Passed)
Shadow Academy: Krath Grammar Studies (Passed)
Shadow Academy: Obelisk CORE (Pending)
Shadow Academy: Sith CORE (Pending)
<font size="4">House Galthain of Satal Keto versus House Tridens of Tarentum</font>
This competition takes the highest priority!!!
TIE-FREE #20: (High Score: 97.985)
XvT-FREE #06: (High Score: 93,400) <-- [High Score being challenged with CA:TAC]
XWA-FREE #08: (High Score: 4,133)
Judging done with: “Percent High Score.” The following point system is being used:
1 pt for getting 15% of the high score
2 pt for getting 30% of the high score
3 pt for getting 45% of the high score
4 pt for getting 60% of the high score
5 pt for getting 75% of the high score
6 pt for getting 90% of the high score
8 pt for getting more than 100% of the high score
The House with the highest total number of points wins!
Multiple submissions are permitted to try and improve your percent high score. There are 12 (twelve) days left in this competition!!!
The last day for submitting pilot files is December 12, 2002. Send ALL pilot files to SBM Pyralis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and SW Talon Jade ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).
Delphian Squadron vs. Domi's Disciples of Death (Round 2):
DJK Dark Hawk vs. DJK Talon Jade
JH Vessicant vs GRD Josh Popelka
PRT AshMaster vs TK-2107
The Battles:
TIE DB #1 (High Score: 450,904)
XvT DB #1 (High Score: 252,690)
XWA DB #1 (High Score: 96,002)
The results will be released tomorrow night. Get your pilot files into me ASAP! E-mail them to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Depending on the participation outcome of Round 2, I will be starting a new flying competition, and maybe a minor non-flying competition for those who still don’t feel like flying this week :P
Open Challenge:
--ACO Delak vs SBM Pyralis
Pyralis smashes Delak with a 190+ percent high score :P
Galthain Battle:
ACO Hawker has been placed the Project Administrator. He will be the man in charge of providing information and organizing plans for the Galthain Battle on the egroup at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. If you are still interested in helping out, please subscribe to the list!!
Galthain Point System:
FYI! I hereby announce the destruction of the House Galthain Point System and avow never to let it return during my reign as Quaestor. :P The system simply did NOT gauge when I thought people truly deserved medals. I am confident that I have rewarded those who are active and CONSISTENTLY contributing without diluting the medal system or rank system but assigning enough value to make these medals and promotions worthy. I have been known for having rather high standards of award/promotions. So, if you got something, feel like you’ve accomplished something really great!! Otherwise, there will be future opportunities to show your activity and initiative in House Galthain. Remember, you don’t necessarily have to be assigned something in order to produce a TFR or PLT every once in a while! :) You’ve all seen it, and I’ll say it again, activity WILL BE and IS BEING rewarded...
Master/Apprentice System:
This system has been created by DJK Talon Jade for the training of Galthain members of the ranks Novice, Acolyte, and Protector. The ultimate goal of this system is for the masters to test their Apprentices in the ways of the Jedi so that they may become more proficient in the Dark Side and advance to the next rank! HINT HINT!! :P
I’m impressed to see the participation has held steady even if it wasn’t all flying this week. As usually my standards demand more! :P
!!! - Look forward to a test of the readiness of House Galthain in the coming week… You may question its timing, but that’s the point!
SBM Pyralis (Sith)/QUA-P:HM/Galthain of Satal Keto
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