well i dont know about you guys but i enjoyed my thanksgiving, i grubbed hardcore, chilled with family and friends, twas good, oh yea we got a new OHC as you all learned in Destavols RM Report..
well, Dinaari Brigade Wars has ended, good job to dark fire for winning that and hopefully we can get more activity out of it next time we're gonna be clearing it and ill rehost it up so we can have it again, theres another comp i want you guys to sign up for becuz Tiger keeps it running and it seems like it would be fun.. its the Archanis Combat Consortium aka ACC =P the link to sign up for it is http://www22.brinkster.com/grail/acc/Signup.asp, so go sign up and play in it..
Joins - 1 - NOV Benevolent Whiner
welcome Benevolent Whiner to Dinaari, see him, talk to him get to know him =P
1 - Freshjive - PRT --> GRD
congrats on your promo to GRD freshy =P
Shaithis - Cresent with Amethyst Star
congrats on the medal bro..
DB - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/
Dark Fire Brigade - http://www.dinaari.org/darkfire/
Dark Infantry Elite - Under Construction
Dark Avatar Brigade - Under Construction
over for now..
basically the same as always.. get too many numbers by your name and your screwed =P
Dinaari Roster Currently at 30.
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