House Aleema of Clan Satal Keto
Aedile's report #5
DJK Page Meridian sounding off
Page's Pub
Page drew his saber as he walked slowly up to the door of the Pub. "I knew I forgot to secure the door last week!" The door stood cracked open slightly for the lack of the lock that once was not melted. "I only hope that nothing is missing."
Once inside, a quick look around showed surprisingly that nothing had been stolen. Hearing a skirmish in the back corner, the Aedile ignited his saber and initiated a challenge. "Come out now and you may be spared!" Page yelled. There was no reply. Page reached out with the force to manipulate the light switch and identify the intruder. As the lights flickered on, Page quickly noticed a thin individual with his arms wrapped around the pinball machine. "Sylph! What do you think you're doing?" The only reply the Jedi Knight gave was to the machine itself. Sylph repeated over and over: "Mine! My PRESCIOUS!!" Page just shook his head and proceeded over to the bar to begin setting up drinks. Pulling out a data pad, the Aedile left instructions to himself to install a force field on the door to prevent further addictions from taking place.
Packing his favorite pipe with some fresh tobacco, Page sat and wondered. In light of this weeks events, should he hang a rainbow "gay's welcome" sign on the door to his pub? Everyone must know they are welcome! The Aedile suddenly heard his comlink beep loudly. "Page here." The voice of Master Shups came over the communication device with only one word: "NO". It was funny how Master Shups always knew just what Page was thinking.
Aedile's Challenge
The end of this week marks the close of the "Aleema Warning Labels II" competition. Not a huge turn-out yet again, but nonetheless points are awarded. At the close of this week's topic, here are the results:
1st JH TK-7764 (+3 points)
2nd DJK Selket (+2 points)
3rd JH Dalthid (+1 point)
no other submissions this week
The overall standings and medals requested are:
1st JH TK-7764 (9 points) - Crescent w/ Amethyst Star
2nd JH Dalthid (8 points) - Crescent w/ Sapphire Star
3rd KP Maradis (3 points) - Crescent w/ Emerald Star
Others who participated: KE Tronsta (2), KE Kaiann (2), DJK Selket (2), DJK Tatsu (1), ACO Acklay (1), ACO Dimitri (1), DA Orso (1)
Thanks a ton to all who participated and congratulations to our medal winners! Outstanding job TK, Selket, and Dalthid! This week's submissions will be posted on the Aleema message board.
Also, please look for the topic for December to come this week. I'm still working out the medal details and such.
Dry county
I'm laying off the sauce a bit this week so as to keep myself out of trouble. However, a few things need to be mentioned. A big congratulations are in order to our newest Knight: DJK Selket!! She is also our newest TET of AoD! Woohooo! Also, I'm happy to see some of you have been hitting it hard over at the SA with course studies. Well done! Also, I know there were no medals awarded or even really an objective, but thanks to all who participated a bit in the "controversial" Royal Rumble on the Aleema message board. We really had a blast didn't we? Sylph has quite a few ideas in that arena, so we just may do that sort of thing more often.
Here comes the usual gripe. PLEASE check in with you TET each week. I know we've been short an AoD TET for the past week or so, but now ya got one again! The darling Dalthid would like to hear from all of you over in SotN weekly as well. If you all would just do a small mail each week to your TET, then we would have no need to EVER do AWOL checks now would we? In the long run, it's much less of a headache; trust me. Also while we're on the subject of communication, you all should know where the message board is. There's a link to it in every QUA report, and every TET report as well I believe. Remember when you all took your first exam to get in to the DB? Remember how you had to be able to efficiently navigate the main DB page? Well, I'm honestly very surprised to get questions almost daily asking me such questions as: "What's the message board URL?" or "Who's the new DGM or KHP?" or even "Where is the main DB web page at again?" This is simply unacceptable. I'm not going to mention any names, for to call someone out is not the goal here. If you don't know where ANYTHING is on our page, make it your business to get familiar with it. You need to get placed on an egroup that you feel you should be on? Drop me a line and I'll direct you to who can put you on if I personally can't.
De-tox unit
I had a long talk with our dear PCON Gord-O Darkonian. He's currently working on a HUGE!!, MEGA!!, COLOSSAL!! Clan competition with events for all Orders. This is really going to be a blast folks. I'll let the boss hit you up with the details himself when he gets it all sorted, but I'll let you know that if you (as Krath) own Jedi Outcast or XWA (or maybe even XvT), now might be a good time to dust them off and practice up a bit, because there is most likely going to be open events in those arenas, as well as in Krath-type events. Also, if you haven't done so already, head over to the KCC (that's the Krath Combat Center or "K-Dub" as Dalthid says) and register. We're having some fun over there as well.
That's about all from me for this week. Thank you all for lending an ear and a quill
DJK Page Meridian
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