Well the consul is away for the weekend for some secret initiation into a organisation, that he wont tell anyone about , so that places me in the hot seat until he gets back , so all bribes and donations to my usual email address please , All the house summits have been nice this week and did what i requested with there reports, Thank you for all for that.
I was disappointed by the lack of battle team reports from house Dorimand sol , and would like to see that rectified by next week please.
Other than that a good week from all the houses , Both our Krath and sith houses have got good competitions running and i will be interested to see how they turn out , The master student Competition is nearing completion and i would like to wish all those participating good luck with that.
It has generated allot of excitement on IRC from people and that's always nice to see
I would like to send my congratulations to DJK Aeishline on her appointment as House caliburnus rollmaster ( well done )
There were no High rank elevations this week , but there ton of medals handed out in the clan , congratulations to all those who received them , well done for filling up the Summits email , with such nice emails
The other big news this week is that the PCon (me ) Has created a huge army of hamsters to counter the increasing number of squirrels created by the Consul , soon our rodent army will be realised ,they will be realised only days before the Jedi wars to weaken our enemies.
The Jedi Wars will be beginning soon , but i wont spoil the Consuls thunder by telling you all about it , the Dates, that are most likely are below in the Consuls report , so i suggest you read them
And prepare for war , Time to get some practice in and lets kick some butt , or in the hamsters case bite some butt. they have only got small feet bless them :P
Well , on a last note
If you believe you are worthy or a promotion or a medal for your hard, please don't hesitate to Give the summit a call.
I have all these new options and i am dying for some one to give me a great excuse to use them
All the houses have there own master student programmes , but there is only so many masters available , so don't get over looked .
Open thy mailbox
Some other news
Dark allegiance Phase IV has started :
Phase 4 will be launched from tomorrow, and submissions should be in 2 weeks from then (Friday 13th of December, 2002). Details of the event can be found at the website:
TIE95 Fix For WinXP
For those of you having problems getting TIE95 to run under Windows XP, help is at hand. LC Sephiroth has created a fix page located at Enjoy
NEW OHC Selected
The clan send its congratulations to OBM Exar Khaland on his appointment
Until next Week
SBM Darkmage (Sith)/PCON/Clan Scholae Palatinae
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