Whats happened this week I hear you cry. Nada, nothing, zip and not much worth mentioning.
As you will have known our illustrious QUA Demos has been on leave for most of the week leaving me in charge, and thankfully nothing urgent has come up. There have been no personnel movements in or out of the house this week. As expected no awards or elevations have taken place either with most of the house summit being on leave. Also PCON Khobai is currently on leave and has left JH Zoron to stand in for him, who I believe is currently cleaning the Long Bong from top to bottom on the orders of CON Tarkin :P
One thing that has been kinda announced in the last week or 2 is that a new Sith Squadon League will be starting soon. No exact dates as of yet. However Pandragon are expected to defend their titles and romp home to win this thing again.
Talking of comps, PCON Khobai is putting together another Fear the Void Below comp. This usually takes the shape of a multipart comp with at least 15 events (well it was last time we did it) All events are open to everyone in the clan, more details to follow shortl. The only thing I do know about it is that it will start soon and finish before the GJW starts.
One last thing, congrats to Johann Glorick how has passed the S:ISET course :)
Thats about it for this week, hopefully Demos will be back soon to take charge again, I just can't stand the pace anymore :P
In Darkness
SBL Reaper
FM/COL Reaper/Praetorian 3-3/DGN Lichtor V
GS/SS/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx6/MoI/MoT-1rh-1gh/IS-6BW-7SW-1SR-2GW/LoC-CSx5/MoC-2BoC-1GoC/CoS/CoB/CoLx2/OV-3E [ARCN],
SBL Reaper (Sith)/RM-FM/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
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