(Posted on behalf of DJK Death)
Ladies and Gentlemen, Krath, Obelisk, and Sith, Low-rankers and High-rankers, Masters and Students, you are all very welcome to sign up for
[img]http://www25.brinkster.com/muertevip/MSC/III/banner.jpg [/img]
This is the ultimate competition for Master-Student pairings. In this competition Masters and Students will have to work their way together through 7 tasks to win the competition, get nice medals and be listed as the best Master-Student Team in the DB!
This first DB-wide MS competition unfortunately only features Krath events but all Orders are invited to have their teams sign up and to participate, so you Obelisk and Sith teams can get the chance to show that you can beat the Krath on their own territory. The next DB-wide competition will cater for all Clans and teams will be able to gain points in all DB aspects.
If you have questions or want to sign up, you can find my e-mail addy and the information needed to sign up on the MSC3 page (http://www25.brinkster.com/muertevip/msc/iii/ ), or for questions use the message-board, found in the DB section of the main EH message boards, or drop me an email (mailto:[Log in to view e-mail addresses]). While email may be a little faster, using the MB means that other people with the same question will see it there rather than me getting the same mail over and over againÂ…
The deadline for signing up is the 20th of October. This gives you all time to organise Master Student Pairings if you are not already in one, and prepare yourself for the ultimate experience! =P
DJK Death
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